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Commissioner, is it a party, pick nick or panic?????

Recently commissioners are coming under fire in the form of public anger, feelings and expression regarding the manner in which certain issues are playing out.
Yes, the situation of public disgust is popping up everywhere as a sign of not tolerating any more senseless and sloppy performances by this awful an amazing administration.
The island is being daily confronted by all sorts of scams, shams, scandals and schemes condone and conducted by crafty, clever and cunning commissioners in government.
It is crystal clear to see that even in the darkest night bribes, kickbacks and favours are all undoubtedly the bottom line of government's perverted performances in this respect.
Yes, our people are sick and tired of catching the fever of disgust called enough is enough.
Yes, our people know that there is no difference between a smart thief and a stupid thief because in people's book: a thief is a thief and will remain a thief period.
• Commissioners come clean in your cases.
Now that commissioners are taking public heat of rejection by coming under fire, the microscope and scrutiny for corruptive involvements regarding the granting of licenses and permits on questionable projects we are now noticing:
a) commissioners closing loopholes to distract attention from finding traces of their
hand, foot and finger prints they left behind.
b) government closing peep holes by redistributing portfolios among the weasels in
the Executive Council in an attempt to cover up or conceal possible links to any
scandals in the making.
c) commissioners shirking, shunning and shying away from taking responsibilities by
trying to hide behind the cock and bull story of "I did not sign any permit" of course
not and the others did not sign too but you and the others approved it!!!!!
• Commissioners are all classical and compulsive liars.
It is therefore my intention to give some hard but helpful hints such as the following:
a) All commissioners lie through their teeth and because of this legacy of lying they are
all called then: classic, compulsive, diabolic, pathologic and pathetic liars.
b) All commissioners have great difficulty speaking or telling the truth such as being
members of the Executive Council that they are the only persons who collectively by
law grant or reject licenses and permits and not the Salvation Army, the Red Cross
the Fire Brigade or government departments.
c) Government departments only process and give advise to the Executive Council
but it is the commissioners who collectively grant or reject licenses and permits.
d) That the only signature that appears on licenses and permits is that of the Lt. Governor after the approval of all the commissioners including commissioner Theo Heyliger to grant a license or permit.
• Hard and helpful hints.
Commissioner Theo Heyliger with his usual smile and smirk on his face believes that:
a) he is still dealing with the Simple Simons who he can take for a ride by making
ridiculous remarks like for example "my signature is not on any permit" but so is it
the case with all the other commissioners but yet permits and licenses are granted!!!!!
b) his job is to keep people ill inform and ignorant.
c) he can continue try taking the people for granted by attempting to convince the public
that government's departments grant and reject licenses and permits and not him
together with the other commissioners and this is a lie that is far from the truth.
Can you imagine government departments granting licenses and permits but
commissioners cashing in for services they never rendered hijacking monies that
should go then to the civil servants. Thieving from Peter to pay Paul. What a
thing!!!!! This would have been called: High day robbery or a double dose of
• Queer question then:
With the present commotion and public uproar I am asking our commissioners what are you really having: A party, a pic nick or panic?????

Mr.Edwin James

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