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Medias misleading messages.

It is becoming more a reality and rather difficult for our media readers and listening audience to receive credible information on matters of interests or concerns on our little "friendly" island.
In any country the media reporting should be done professionally, independently, credibly, often and on timely fashion.
The media should act as a credible source of information in enlightening the masses to arrive to an independent opinion on matters of interests without having any appearance of subjecting the medias influence or will on the readers and listening audience.
Of course the media can have its own opinion on matters of concern printed in their opinion corner in their newspapers.
But the importance of any newspaper is that it must have the characteristics or patterns of reflecting credibility, knowledge, independence and respect for all parties involve.
Now this expectation from any self respected news media seems to be a tall order for a daily news paper who is spearheading a political position for their boss after our island attains it's separate status under the DP's administration.
• roots and reasons for resentment.
Yes, many people do have serious problems with medias who have their hidden agendas and ulterior motives in deliberately publishing news with the sole purposes such as:
1) promoting this administration on its poor and pitiful performances to obtain separate
status for the island without setting any prior conditions and guarantees on providing good governance with accountability in the first place is an irresponsible approach.
2) acting as the mouthpiece of the DP's party in distributing DP's propaganda and
defending the DP's thrash theories in their national opinion & commentary column is
a bias position for any media who wants to be considered a credible source of
3) aiming at pushing the indigenous people who are legitimately standing up for their
rights in their own country called: home or the Rock farther into a corner will be un acceptable.
4) constantly mocking indigenous organizations for being vocal and vivid in defending
their credible causes on behalf of their indigenous people will only strengthen our resolve.
5) constantly being cynic and sarcastic towards anyone who has a different opinion than
them, will be rejected.
Yes, these and many more other cases of public display of their arrogance, disrespect, hostility and hypocrisy towards the indigenous people are all evidences as roots and reasons for resentment towards the bias media reporting on our "friendly" island.
• editor's egoistic ethics.
The TODAY Newspaper that has an undoubtedly close relationship with the DP's party and it's inner circle because of their boss's link to the party will always seek to chastise any author who dares attack this administration in their paper by:
a) not printing the article at all but rather take the contents of the received article apart
and then bash the author in their sacred editorial corner or column.
b) deliberately changing the author's message through adding or deleting words in
the original message and then print the change version with the signature of the
author under it.
c) purposely printing the article on a later date when it becomes then irrelevant to the
timing are all signs of their editor's egoistic ethics!!!!!
• silly and stupid statement.
TODAY, your silly and stupid statement of access denied is proven futile once more because it is rather access delayed giving readers the opportunity to still read this article at a later date, OK.
• credible conclusion.
Because of our medias interests and benefits they enjoy from this awful and amazing administration we can surely then expect:
the medias misleading messages to the masses!!!!!

E. James.

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