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To Outraged citizens protesting 'illegal' construction Travel Inn, Simpson-Bay.

Fellow citizens of St. Maarten,

Since decades, many local, native St. Martin people have been feeling the negative consequences of the over-development on their very existence on their own island.
Therefore, we can certainly empathize with your present legitimate issue as a consequence of what you term in your ad, the 'illegal' (travel Inn Condos) project at the Simpson Bay Corner.
More than that, we would also love to join with you and others in making our collaborative contribution towards a more sustainable development on the island, based on a 'win-win' principle for all stakeholders on this island.
However, the ongoing personal attacks and most recently false accusation in the local media, by one of your fellow residents of the district in question, Mr. Gerard BIJNSDORP, does not exactly contribute towards our support to your petition, nor of most other local St. Martin people.
Worse yet, as long as Mr. BIJNSDORP continues to spew his vile comments towards my person, such could in fact BACKFIRE on any sympathy and support from local St. Martin people for your cause, beacuse many link him with you as a protest-group.
Consequently, any perceived link between you as petitioners and outraged citizens and the personal attacks by Mr. BIJNSDORP on Leopold JAMES can possibly implicate you in regards to possibly legal actions against his false accusations that I was the 'graffiti artist' who posted the text on the sign-board.
It is up to you to make your position clear viz a viz Mr. BIJNSDORP.
We will will respond accordingly.
In ending and for the record however, let it be known that we sympathize with your efforts and hope that our willingness to support your petition will not be undermined by persons, with personal agendas.

Wishing you success with your petition.
Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x