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This is a response to attached article that appeared in the TODAY newspaper of Friday, March 20, 2009 under the heading 'James seeks prosecution of driftwood artist Bijnsdorp'.

This is a response to attached article that appeared in the TODAY newspaper of Friday, March 20, 2009 under the heading 'James seeks prosecution of driftwood artist Bijnsdorp'.

Apart form the fact that this particular article 'reeks' and 'smacks' of genuine neo-colonial arrogance, combined with a 'dash' of deliberate and cheap simplicity, I will deal with it more in depth in due time in the appropriate setting.
For those who did not know why the editor of the TODAY-paper always defends the 'driftwood-artists', both Mr. BIJNSDORP and Mr. HAAR editor of the TODAY news-paper are 'cut from the same Dutch European cloth'.
For now let me suffice by informing those gold-and other fortune seekers, neo-pirates and imported failures from elsewhere, who flock our coast, that their efforts to intimidate and ridicule us for defending our country is not only futile, but extremely transparent as well.
Let me put that observation in historical context.

Growing up as a Black child in Aruba, that was born on St. Maarten, like many of my contemporaries, I too was exposed to and became extremely familiar with the condescending, colonial attitude of many (certainly not all ) Dutch European teachers.

No, YOU can not do that, no that is too difficult for YOU, no a teacher is high enough for YOU, no YOU can never make the HBS, let alone dream of going to the university.

Starting your own business ?

Crazy, go work for a boss.

So, the 'Master' systematically made sure to cut down your aspirations anytime they were considered by HIM to be 'above your level and potential'.

Sound familiar you say ?

Although that is piece of history, such practice and thinking still lingers on up to this day as can be witnessed by the 'tone' of this article.
It 'reeks' of ridicule, sarcasm as if it was written too 'sophisticatedly' for WE to comprehend !.

Having been exposed to it in the past, when we hear it, when we see it, when we smell it and when we it READ it, we recognize it for what it is....colonial condescension, plain and simple.

Now, what has been my 'life's-experience' to this type of systematic, colonial demoralization you ask ?

Simple and without any dispute.
Most of all, I have developed an unshakable and in-destructible self-confidence, pride and dignity which increases dramatically when faced with evil minds.

In addition, in Holland, unlike most Dutch people themselves, I received a university degree in Biology, built my own home in the process giving employment to Dutch workers.
I have taught Biology and Chemistry on practically all levels of education in HOLLAND, country of birth of both gentlemen in question.
My students were not only youngsters of all ages, but adult women and men as well.
Back on St. Maarten, like it or not, I was the founding director of the HAVO and VWO and was the 'boss' of one Gerard BIJNSDORP.
Clearly, this experience has had a traumatic impact on the mind of the self-proclaimed 'driftwood-artist', who never apparently was emotionally capable to process the fact that his boss was a BLACK St. Martiner, with a much higher degree than him and who never denied his native-indigenous St. Martin heritage like others did.
In ending, let the conclusion be that neither Mr. HAAR nor his confrere Mr. BIJNSDORP, are in any position to lecture me, nor to set any tone for me.
To do that, they simply miss the minimal required 'intellectual load' and worse yet, they lack any moral, and historical justification.

Dus, het zal mij worst wezen wat jullie van mij denken jongens.
(I could not care less what you boys think of me )

Indeed you guessed it right again; it is me.

Leopold JAMES
Proud, native indigenous St. Martiner without apologies.

O sorry, I almost forgot......

I will make sure 'driftwood-artist', that you people back home in PIJNACKER, Holland also can enjoy your 'works of wonder', by forwarding our
proceedings to them as well, just like you are granting me that favor in my own home-country
'Wattatin' bu.

Until the next mail.

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