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Commissioners and their Cronies.

I will like to address this article to a specific group of civil servants who really stands out way above all the other public employees in government service for been able to accumulate such awesome and personal wealth within the shortest period of time.
Yes, we like to give these weasels their flowers while they too are still alive for looking after their own interests and not those of the people whom they should be serving in the first and foremost place.
Yes, we are all aware of the fact that many of these very same privileged and public employees do occupy prominent positions in government offices and as such are well within their reach of helping themselves religiously and royally.
Yes, we do get the impression of these privileged and public employees that in their mind they are absolutely not being selfish but rather securing their future in getting all what they can get now in other words taking good care of themselves while they still can.
In this respect there seems to be absolutely no differences between commissioners and their cronies.
• commissioners and their cronies.
Cronies are meant here to be the close companions of the commissioners.
Colleagues, cronies, chums or comrades are all the same.
I will now address the Spatial Development & Management Department better known as the Public Works Department because it is now the most talked about government office where apparently favours are being exchanged for monies.
Yes, there are all reasons to believe that there is something amiss with the proper functioning of this department.
Yes, there are appearances and evidences indicating of concrete corruption infested in this department.
Yes, there are all signs, signals and even sounds calling for an indebt investigation regarding questionable activities implicating cronies who are addicted to their cult, custom and culture of corruption in this department.
• Plugging peepholes and loopholes.
Now we learnt that commissioners are warning their cronies not to steal because government hates competition by plugging peep and loopholes to end corruption!!!!!
• hassle and harassment.
1) It is a known fact that there are cronies within this department who find it very
delightful to hassle and harass descent people who go through hell just to get a permit
to build.
2) It is a known fact that many people wait for a very long time to obtain building
permits or to get domain land while others who knows the subtle secret achieve this
in record time.
• awful and amazing accomplishments.
1) It is a known fact that there are many people who have been waiting for years to get
domain land while others who happen to sit in privileged positions are able to arrange
getting domain land for themselves such as in Saunders, Salt Pond etc etc etc.
2) When and while people are compelled to stick to the building requirements others
in privileged positions thumb their thumbs and twitch their noses at the building
requirements and do as they please.
3) It seems then only when you are an egg head, mug head, bead head, lean head or
even a jug head you will be able to get domain land on the Salt pond area and Saunders etc and build hassle and harass free such as direct on the LB Scott public road with no parking arrangements or facilities.
• credible conclusion.
It doesn't take then a genie or a genius to figure out that money talks and bull s..t walks when one needs to get a permit or domain land at this public works stock exchange department where you can meet egg head, mug head, bead head, lean head, jug head or the companions, colleagues, comrades, chums and cronies of the commissioners.

Mr. Edwin James.

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