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Economic growth or Evil greed???

The name of this article is purposely chosen to establish the fact whether our island and its people are actually the beneficiaries of economic growth or the victims of evil greed.
For me to do just that I must first bring the following facts to our reader's attention on this matter namely that:
1) this article is not intended to start any discussion with our "good Samaritans" in
government who should be looking after our affairs in the name of good governance with accountability, so the article is not about talking to or with our weasels but rather about their poor and perverse performance in government.
2) this article will expose the stark difference in opinion between people's and
politician's perception on good governance with accountability.
Another fact that I will like to establish is the dread difference in meaning between the words growth and greed.
1) growth in general term means tolerable expansion or increase in size or numbers.
2) greed in general term means having a desire for more than one needs or deserve.
Another fact that I will like to establish is the meaning of the word economy.
The word economy in general term means:
1) the welfare state of our island and its people.
Let us now see how we can apply economic growth and evil greed and good governance with accountability in our present situation on St.Maarten.
• Signs, signals and sights of stress.
No one can deny that our island has not experienced uncontrolled development as it relates to numerous projects being realized.
At the same time no one can deny that most of the people of the island has not benefited from the very same uncontrolled development when we consider the welfare state or in simple words the quality of life which has not been able to improve with this development as a classical example: the majority of workers still earns the minimum wage as a standard wage income.
No one can deny that the infrastructure of the island has not been able to improve or accommodate the uncontrolled development and as a result of this it remains lagging behind such as: traffic congestion, over crowded schools, shanty towns, crime increase, diminishing labour opportunities, unpaid hospital bills, uncontrolled immigration influx etc etc etc.
• Projects and people in harmony with the environment.
One will expect that government through careful and thrifty management should govern in a responsible fashion by striking a balance between developing of projects on the one hand and improving the quality life of people on the other hand in harmony with the environment.
• Obvious observations.
1) What we really see is a continued and uncontrolled development of projects built by
minimum wage labourers at the expense of our environment and at the satisfaction
of our politicians.
2) There is no balance between projects on the one hand and people and environment on
the other hand.
• History reveals and reminds:
That because of our politicians' custom, cult and culture are boldly bordered or bounded on favours and kickbacks we conclude the following:
• Credible conclusion.
The fact that the growth is not a tolerable expansion or increase in size or numbers but rather sucks, stinks, smacks and smells of having a dread desire for more than one needs or deserves we can then safely and surely speak of: Evil greed rather than economic growth.

Mr.Edwin James.

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