Although it came as no surprise to us that the Dutch Government of which you are part, fell on Saturday last, February 20, 2010, we also expect you will remain in 'demissionary' capacity in office.
Therefore, we assume that you still will continue to function as Minister of Kingdom and Internal Affairs very much involved with the constitutional changes taking place within the Kingdom, as they relate to the Netherlands-Antilles.
In this regards, we kindly, but urgently request your attention for statements made to the media made Mrs. Sarah WESCOT-WILLIAMS, Island council lady on St. Maarten and leader of the DP-party.
We hereby for your kind perusal, attach these statements in this mail.
However, we hereby quote a very important concern expressed by Mrs.WESCOT-WILLIAMS in the attached news paper clipping.
Quote; Outstanding issues related to the constitution are safeguarding the rights of the indigenous St. Maarteners (locals) to guarantee they won't be marginialised, ......
For the record, Mrs. BIJLEVEDT-SCHOUTEN.
As St. Martin's most indisputable grass roots, non-partisan, nation building movement, we inform you that we share the same concern as expressed on this outstanding issue as Mrs.WESCOTT-WILLIAMS.
In addition, we demand that the draft constitution be amended to include such protective provision and others in general that recognize and promote the interests of the PEOPLE of the land.
After all, increasingly the interest of many illegal immigrants are being promoted at the expense of the very existence of the Antilleans residing on the island.
This uin-balanced practice is resulting in increasing social unease within or community
As it stands now and explained at every forum by our politicians, achieving 'country status/'10-10-10' for St. Maarten is exclusively about empowering politicians.
It is absolutely NOT about the PEOPLE and most certainly NOT about St. Martin and other Antillean people.
If the rights of the native St. Martin People and other Antillean people are not firmly acknowledged and protected in the constitution, that document will mean nothing other that the formal declaration of treason and genocide on these people.
Needless to emphasize that such will not reflect in a positive manner on the Dutch Government, whose international credibility already is under question, based on the fall of your government over its commitment to the people in URUZQAN in AFGHANISTAN.
In addition, in the event this anti-St.Martin/Antntillean constitution is rammed down our throats, there will of course be ramifications.
Therefore, in ending we urge your cooperation in recognizing the moral appeal of Council lady, Mrs. WESCOTT-WILLIAMS in making the necessary amendments to the draft constitutions for the so-called country St. Maarten.
Technically-, legally nor otherwise, there is absolutely no legitimate reason not to heed this request and in so doing guaranteeing that the new status is NOT only about empowering politicians, but more-so, about the empowering the PEOPLE of the land.
Looking forward to your expedient and understanding response.
Copies to all relevant stake holders.
drs. Leopold JAMES,
President SNBF/Association L'Esprit de Concordia
Proud, native-indigenous St. Martiner, without apologies.