When the Seventh day Adventist want to build a school and the Catholic Church wants to build another church in Cole Bay, or the Muslims a new mosque they too should disobey the law and have government correct their mistake. Where in the world, say where could something like this happen.
How come Commissioner Frans Richardson did not blame the DP government for this one? You know why, because when the Church is built, he and his colleagues will want to say the NA built the church. Wrong, it's the taxpayers (Methodists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists, and all others) who built the church as well as the civil servants who are now again been blamed. THE METHODIST CHURCH DID NOT HAVE A BUILDING PERMIT FOR BELVEDERE!!!!!! IT'S A LIE. COMMISSIONER FRANS RICHARDSON, IT'S A LIE!!!!!! If you know they have a building permit, show it.
Good Governance, Mr. Lt. Governor, remember, Good Governance. How come this was not sent up for annulment. So Theo Heyliger is being indirectly blamed for this too. He is in charge of the building permits and inspection. Theo, stand up like a man and defend your workers, especially now that you are looking for their vote. Otherwise, its UP, UP and AWAY.
The government doesn't have money to pay civil servants their retroactive, the government is blaming civil servants for leaking information to the press, but get the island secretary to write the letter telling us this.
Yet, the same government lies through its teeth about , all things, a church. But we wonder, why we can't move ahead, why people in Holland think so low of us, why 10-10-10 seems to be moving further and further away. When you bring the heat of the Christian community on you, you better run for cover. And Daily Herald, do some more research, before you publish these flimsy stories. Either have good sources or none at all.
Now, com' tell me!