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Take your concern about rights of indigenous St. Martiners to the Island-council.
Dear Council lady, Mrs. Sarah WESCOT-WILLIAMS,
With great interest, the people of this island took notice of statements of concerns recently made by you about issues which are still 'outstanding' in the draft constitution for 'country' St. Maarten.
One such concern you expressed (See the Daily Herald of Wednesday, February 17, 2010) was the 'safeguarding of the rights of the indigenous St. Maarteners (locals)
As we have stated in a number of releases related to these statements, not only do we agree with you, but support you in making sure that the rights of the indigenous St. Martin people are protected in order to guard them against marginalization.
Although there are those who are of the opinion, that you made these remarks because you are now in the opposition, true or not, we nevertheless appreciate you for expressing that concern which those who were in opposition never did as at that time as well.
In addition, what is more important to us than such back- and-forth 'blame-game', is the fact that this statements made by you are recorded and consequently and have taken on a 'life of its own'.
Even far more that that, your statements about the rights of the indigenous St. Martin people have 'touched off' a level of hope and expectation among the St. Martin people, which will not be put to rest until you actually prove that you meant what is recorded as your concern.
We therefore make use of this opportunity to urgently request of you as leader of the DP-party to call for an official meeting of the Island-council to debate this, the single-most important issue for the St. Martin people, that of their very SURVIVAL as a people in their own land, now heralded to be Country St.Maarten.
Thus far, this concept is only St. Maarten in name, but not for 'real', since its constitution does not even care to recognize the native-indigenous St. Martin peole, let alone cares to PROTECT them !
If this is not treason or betrayal, then what is ?
It should not be under-estimated that not having the existence, the rights and privileges of the natives of this island properly formulated in the island's first constitution, will not only hang as a eternal 'curse' over those who betrayed our heritage, but sooner or later they all will be brought before the people's tribunal.
Meanwhile, every member in the Island-council will be held accountable for remaining silent on this matter of life and death for the people of this island.
Also, even if the Dutch Government would support any new constitutional change that does not care to acknowledge, respect the existence and the rights of the people this island, certainly we as a grass root people's movement will never accept such document of betrayal and will do whatever it takes to protect our rights as indigenous people.
Looking forward to your expedient response,

With respect,

Copies to all relevant Authorities within the Dutch Kingdom, Caricom, the UN etc. etc.

Leopold JAMES
President SNBF/Association L'Esprit de Concordia and
native-indigenous St. martiner with pride and without apologies.

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