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Regulating issuance of drivers licenses on St. Maarten 'Only the beginning of the dismantling of the way of life of St. Martiners and beginning genocide'.

When the island had all the time to regulate its development including the mass influx of people from elsewhere and the rights of its own people, the leaders of this country proudly applied the 'laissez fair' mentality as its 'modus operandi' for growth.
And grew it did, but how.
It simply 'exploded' uncontrolled over-construction, population, child-births, imported lawlessness, under-ground economies, so-called religions and so-called churches, the list goes on and on and on.
Now finally, again in a 'knee jerk reaction', the authorities in setting up a new policy regarding the renewing of the drivers-licenses for persons residing on the 'French'-side, have resorted to an rather 'extreme' measure in an attempt to bring what they term, 'regulation' in this matter.
Extreme, because it not only directly affects the drivers-license situation on the island, but it has far and far more serious implications to the entire traditional way of life of native St. Martiners as well as to their very existence as a people.
It should not be under-estimated that these type of 'regulations', which do not take into consideration, what former senator Marcel GUMBS always rightfully defended in Parliament, as 'St. Martin's reality and specificity' into account, are leading us down a very, dangerous and slippery path towards being divided as a St. Martin people and eventually towards our complete elimination, following the Arawaks and Caribs before us.
This 'reality/specificity' of St. Martin, is characterized among many others by our oneness as a people, our shared history, emancipation, norms and values, our ancestral mutual reliance on each other after the Dutch and French colonialists left us to fend for ourselves after 1848 are there-about
As a consequence, this gradual process of 'dismantling' our oneness, freedom of movement etc, will result in transforming or 'degrading' our blood-links and one-ness as a people into us in fact becoming foreigners not only to one another, but to 'ourselves' as well.
This because many native St. Martiners, are bi-national, have succession land on both siides, have homes on both sides, visit schools and work and live on the 'other or both sides' etc, that this insane process is bound to have a very schizophrenic impact on us as individual as well.
Our movement has always warned that of the scenario to dismantle our oneness as a people and therefore tried to identified us as a native people, who must be exempt from regulations that can apply to others, who come to the island and for whom the island indeed consist of two countries for which they actually need papers to access.
But that should NEVER ever apply to the natives of this country.
On the contrary.
Benefiting from what both sides have to offer should be our privilege, period !
It is the reward or our restitution for which our ancestors shed blood, sweat and tears and were abandoned to survive on their own, during the period our colonial oppressors, no longer had interest in our island....back then.
If others have problems with that, they should feel free to leave.
Our problem with both separate statuses for the each side of island and its one people, has always been based as well on our political leaders not taking our oneness as a people into consideration.
This is a fundamental lack in our so called constitution, which must be addressed as an outstanding issue, before being adopted, because if not it will create huge problem for St. Martin people, including the current politicians in the future.
It is becoming very clear that although of course the politicians have a role to play, theirs is limited to their 'national/colonial' territories/competencies.
This is not the case with the natives of the people and with their grass root movement.
As such our grass root St. Martin movement can move freely all across the island and thus serve as the bridge, foundation facilitator for the only logical future status for the island.
This is the status of ONE unified and sovereign St. Martin, with strong and mutually rewarding ties to France and the Netherlands.
There simply is no other logical way out of this dilemma not only for native St. Martiners, but even worse for other residents.
No longer, can the present idiotic and colonial divisive situation on one 'island-mass', with open borders be effective used to govern and develop this island based on two different colonial administrations.
It is totally untenable.
We therefore invite St. Martiners to realize that by becoming part of our grass root movement, they can be better represented as a people and have their rights championed so that they can eventually take the entire island to the next level and survive the looming 'onslaught' on their very existence..

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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