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St. Martiner’s now ready for the leadership of the nation building & unification movement.

For many, many years the St. Martin grass root nation building and unification movement was the 'lone voice' speaking out against the marginalization of and fighting for the rights of native-indigenous St. Martiners to be first in their own and only home-land, St. Martin.
Back then, few understood the importance of the movement's warnings, messages and solutions.
These were therefore ignored at best, and its president Leopold JAMES oftentimes ridiculed, demonized and called 'inciter' of hatred against foreigners, for standing up for his fellow native St. Martin people.
Especially the editor of the TODAY-newspaper, Hilbert HAAR, on many occasions in its editorials, went to the extreme, slandering the reputation of Leopold JAMES as well as his genuine intentions.
This was a clear attempt to prevent the St. Martin people from paying attention to the message Mr. JAMES tried to get across to the people and citizens of the island.
Obviously, those actions of sabotage by Mr. HAAR have proven futile.
Amazing it is therefore, to now witness an incredible reversal and paradigm-shift, in the growing awareness of native St. Martiners.
Finally, after years of 'slumbering' and being deceived, they are catching on to the message of the grass root St. Martin nation and unification movement, headed by Leopold JAMES.
A clear indication are the many callers who call in to radio talk shows of Billy D. HAMLET, Chris EMMANUEL and others expressing concern that if the native-St. Martiners are not identified and acknowledged, they will never be able to continue to live in the spirit of the Treaty of Concordia, which has been the legal document for the free movement of the native St. Martin people since 1648.
In addition, St. Martiners are also realizing that this treaty was never meant for immigrant and foreigners and that consequently, certain laws preventing the free movement etc, should only be applied to non-St. Martiners.
This is becoming absolutely critical now that increasingly, the government-administrations on French- and the Dutch Government are now so called bringing about 'regulations' in various areas of our society, to counter act the effects of the one time coveted 'laissez-fair' attitude.
If not properly and timely dealt with these new 'divisive colonial' policies, will most definitely 'dismantle' and 'dismember' the unique oneness of all native-indigenous St. Martiners and bring an end to the way they lived peacefully for hundreds of years.
The new 'regulations' will force St. Martiners to choose to be either 'French' or 'Dutch, thereby surrendering their privilege of having succession land, homes, work on both sides of the island, de facto rendering us foreigners to one-another.
The issue with the drivers-license, which prohibits 'French' St. Martiners who can not prove residence on Dutch St. Maarten the possibility to renew their license on 'Dutch' St. Maarten, is a case in point of the process of the conspiracy to destroy our way of life and subsequently, our very existence as one people.
This type of measures have never before been implemented in the entire existence of our history as native St. Martin people.
To a large extent it is caused by the many forms of abuse by illegal immigrants, resulting in these 'across the board' measures affecting us as natives as well.
Therefore, there is a strong movement afoot to have all St. Martiners identified in order that they can qualify for exceptions and ancestral privileges in keeping with the spirit of the Treaty of Concordia from 1648.
On Monday, April 12, 2010, Mr. Leopold JAMES has been invited for Monday, April 12, 2010 to be guest on radio SOS 95.9 F.M. to share the view of his grass root movement movement on the solutions to this and many other related problems for St. Martiners.
Clearly, this interview is a very timely one, because most people now believe that the grass root St. Martin nation building and unification movement is the only effective salvation for the St. Martin people from total extinction
Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia
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