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My fellow St. Martin People

On April 20, 2010, I received an email form my good friend, and owner of the radio-station SOS 95.9 F.M., Mr. Billy D. HAMLET.
In this email, Mr. HAMLET notified me that he had put me down as a guest speaker during the manifestation on the Treaty of Concordia, to be held on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the Waterfront in Marigot.
Although, I do not necessarily feel comfortably speaking publicly, my response was; 'Billy, anytime you invite me to speak in the interest of St. Martin people, I will consider such wish a command to which I will comply forthwith'.
And so ever since, I have been also hearing, on a daily basis the advertisement promoting this event and the names of those invited to speak including mine.
The result has been that, I have literally been 'bombarded' with compliments from my St. Martin people.
But, far more important that that to me, are the many sentiments shared with me by my St. Martin people with the urgent request to express these on their behalf.
In addition, I had the distinct honor and privilege to caucus with a large number of very outstanding St. Martiners, who gave me their input, support and blessing that, whatever I said that night, would be regarded as also speaking for them.
This has been a very humbling experience to me and I wish to thank therefore each and every St. Martiners for his/her support and trust to be their voice and I pledge to make a lasting impact that will go far above and beyond the usual nice rhetoric.
In ending, I hope and pray that the good Lord will put the right words in my mouth when I address you the St. Martin people on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the Waterfront in Marigot.
Also I hereby wish to express my sincerest thanks to Mr. Billy D. HAMLET for having the courage to invite me, a non elected public-office holder to share the platform with those who have been duly elected in public office.

Love and respect,

Leopold James

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x