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No more 'trust me on my nice face & looks' but will trust your 'John Henry' more.

During Saturday's manifestation on the 'Treaty of Concordia', one of the speakers, a well-known politician, known for her eloquent rhetorical abilities, told the crowd gathered that she need not sign any covenant with the St. Martin people.
We certainly did not demand of any politician to sign or not to sign our proposed document as sign of hard commitment to the people of St. Martin.
Whether any particular politician wants to sign or not, in and of itself is totally irrelevant.
What IS relevant, is that the St. Martin PEOPLE will be able to find out who signed and who did not sign.
Consequently, the St. Martin people will be able to draw their own conclusions based on whether politicians have indicated the willingness to COMMIT themselves in writing to the 'Strengthening & preserving of the St. Martin identity, oneness and traditional way of life' which is in keeping with the spirit of the Treaty of Concordia.
Nice words, promises and rhetoric which are not backed up by written commitments, are simply empty promises and solace those who want to be fooled ...again.
So, based on the free choice of the politicians to sign or not to sign, they be identified either as patriots or as traitors of the rights of St. Martin people.
For the record.
Long gone is the time of any colonial-like 'trust me on my nice face & looks' as proof or guarantee that our future as a people will be protected by our political leaders.
We live in a modern-day age, where we can not take any 'trust me on my nice looks & face' can be taken to the 'bank' or to the negotiating table with either the Dutch and/or the Dutch and/or with others.
What counts and what the politicians will be judged on in the time to come, is whether or not they placed their 'John Henry' on the covenant with the St. Martin people guaranteeing their unwavering commitment to 'Strengthen & preserve our St. Martin identity, our oneness & our traditional way of life' which is above and beyond the spirit of the Treaty of Concordia.
Time will tell.
Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia
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