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One big political chaos.

Listening to the politicians in office and reading about the latest political chaos I often wonder if they are aware how much confusion that they have caused in the minds of the electorate. Elections are called every four years to choose representatives to govern our country and those persons that are elected are expected to lead the country in a way that the people of this country understand where the elected representatives are taking them.
In this case on St. Maarten I ask myself the question if our representatives are truly serious about handling the people's business or are they more caught up in concentrating on their own personal interest which the people who elected them are not responsible for. They should first spend tax payers monies properly and in a responsible manner and above all they should ensure that the people's interest are given priority and the politicians personal agenda is not placed before the people's business.
I am not so concerned about the fact that Government fell more than I'm concerned about what the impact of the falling does to our country which in my opinion by law and morals are the following.

  • It confuses the people when they are not aware why Government fell and politicians keep telling them it's for their benefit which the people can't see.
  • It takes the focus off of important issues that concerns the people.
  • The budget expenses increases because of the law that is in place to continue allowing Ministers who must resign to collect the exorbitant salary they set for themselves until the next elections.
  • It creates an unstable Government which in turn does not attract investors to come to our country to make investments in our economy because of fear in not being able to make a decent return on their investment.
  • The electorate begins losing confidence in the elected representatives which makes it more difficult for new politicians that are sincere in providing proper representation to the people who are in need of assistance from Government. This leads to many people not wanting to cast their votes for the next elections.
  • It also result in many students not wanting to return home after they complete their studies because of them not being able to trust politicians in creating jobs for them. This leads to a brain drain in our country.

As the leader of the Concordia Political Alliance aka CPA we want to make it abundantly clear to the electorate of our great country St. Maarten not to become discouraged or despondent but to let you know that if you put your confidence in a group of people we have selected that cares about your well being we will restore confidence in our people with the vision we will present to the people of St. Maarten.
With God's help and His divine guidance we are prepared to serve you, listen to you and ensure that not just a few but that all will benefit from this vision we are creating.
We have started to put a list of competent, innovative, intelligent and dedicated people in place who are prepared to do whatever it takes to put this country back on its feet where people will come first as opposed to personal agendas of politicians. I have been hearing that there are a lot of political parties that are mushrooming for the next election which I welcome wholeheartedly but I want to sound a word of caution to all of them including the old parties that the time has come to take care of the people of this country. When I listened to the last Budget meeting and hearing that 29% of our youth are unemployed it makes me wonder who is this Government working for. Is it for our children or for others because we were always taught that charity begins at home. When our children return from studying abroad and hear that there are no jobs for them because they are over-qualified then I ask myself the question why the Government entitled their Governing Program "working for the people" when in principle they are working for themselves. This is very clear to see when we look at the wasteful spending of tax payer's money in having a new Government building not occupied since 2008 but yet having to pay US$ 214,000.00 per quarter to RGM who are the actual owners of the Building for the 16 years of the BOOT Agreement before it's transferred back to Government. Yet Government still has to pay friends and family to the tune of Naf. 3 million annually to rent Government office space for the various Ministries which results in Government paying double rent. Then I ask myself which people they are referring to that they are working for. I am therefore appealing to the citizens to demand that the next Government inform the public which people they are referring to when they say that they have the best interest of the people at heart.
As politicians and that includes myself we should not promise anything that we can't deliver especially to our young people because it sends the wrong message and gives us as politicians a bad image. Let us be serious about the running of this country and whoever is elected should at all times make sure that the laws are made not for the politicians but to empower and protect all the people of this country. CPA will ensure that this will be the order of the day. With the CPA there is light at the end of the tunnel so we are encouraging our people to have no fear but on Election Day make a change and vote us in Government, which I'm sure that you will not regret. Government is a serious business so let's treat it as such. Let's turn this chaos into order but it can only be done when you the people see it fit to restore order back into our government by electing people that cares about your affairs.

C. Jeffrey Richardson
Concordia Political Alliance aka CPA

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