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Dear Editor,

I am completely baffled by the press release from the political leader of the United People's Party Theodore HEYLIGER. How can the leader of the United People's Party have the audacity to issue such a press release? A politician, who's, name, over the last two and a half year has surfaced in different scandals. There are many words in the press release of the leader of the United People's Party that in my opinion should not be part of his vocabulary. In his press release the leader of the United People's Party made mention of the following expressions: -do the right thing-let democracy prevail-tyrannical behavior-no respect for the rule of law-lost credibility to function-look at the message he is sending to young people-what example is being set-sabotaging democratic process-do the honorable thing. Now people let us be realistic and ask ourselves the simple question. Do you believe that a politician, who is involved/embroiled in three different investigations/scandals since the election for parliament in 2010, should use the above mentioned expressions in a press release to cry down another politician? This is a clear example of "the pot calling the kettle black". His boldness is beyond my comprehension. Let us take a look at the incidents/scandals in which it has been alleged that the leader of the United People's Party is involved. It has been alleged that the United People's Party was involved in the buying of votes during the election for parliament in 2010. The act of buying votes for an election of parliament is punishable by article 132 of the Penal Code. The Bada Bing Affair: Most of the world has seen this incident through the internet. The involvement of the leader of the United People's Party in this affair was made known by the suspect Jaap van de HEUVEL in a statement given by him to a local daily newspaper. And last but not least the alleged bribing of parliamentarian Romain LAVILLE, who filed a complaint by the authorities. Bribing a parliamentarian is a breach of article 183 of the Penal Code. As long as the prosecutor's office has not stated the contrary, these investigations in my opinion are still ongoing. Buying votes, bribing a parliamentarian and destroying your political opponent in a sleazy manner are considered to be very serious breaches of the law and are considered to go against the core principles of a democracy. Any politician, who uses these methods to achieve power in politics, is according to my opinion a person without credibility and is not worthy of taking part in the electoral process. Before closing this article I want to make mention of a despicable remark made by parliamentarian Jules JAMES in which in my opinion he questioned the neutrality of the Governor of Country St. Maarten. Parliamentarian James remarked in a very aggressive manner during the political upheaval in the parliament building that the Governor was appointed by the National Alliance. Any person with some common sense, based on the moment and occasion of the remark, will conclude that Jules JAMES was trying to insinuate that the Governor will side with the National Alliance in the ongoing political standoff. There was no other reason for him to make that remark. Because of the function of the Governor I know that the Governor will not react to Jules JAMES, but I as a citizen of this country can. Jules JAMES should be ashamed of himself. The Governor of Country St. Maarten is a man of integrity and Jules JAMES is not. Jules JAMES performance in parliament portrays someone, who is full of hate and vengeance. It is said that he is a preacher, but that quality surely does not show up in his actions in parliament.


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