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Affirmative action refers to policies that take factors including "race, color, religion, gender, or people of a particular Heritage or origin" into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group (people of StMaarten Heritage), usually as a means to counter the effects of a history of discrimination (In StMaarten case people of StMaarten Heritage has been purposely been neglected by the government of StMaarten). The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs. Affirmative action is the process of a business or governmental agency in which it gives special rights of hiring or advancement to people of minority to make up for past discrimination against that minority, in StMaarten case people of StMaarten heritage. Many or most people in our government have this hypocritical policy of helping the Caribbean neighbor and the unfortunate children of illegal immigrants while they purposely ignore the plight of people of StMaarten Heritage. I have a dream that one day people of StMaarten Heritage will get their recognition for their outstanding hospitality of helping other people from different heritage while their governments deny them of their rights to exist as an to be recognize as the origin of country StMaarten. If our elected officials take examples of real nation builders like Nelson Mandela who sacrifice himself for his people. Mandela said there is no peace without equality and this is a message Nobel peace prize Mandela has sought all his life to bring through to the people of South Africa. His own people have shown him the honor by naming him Mandiba. This is an honorary name that represents his tribe, and some say the one he prefers. It is a sign of both affection and highest respect. Equal opportunity, education and political rights are the things that Nelson Mandela has spent his life fighting for. Inequality is seen all over the world, but perhaps nowhere more so with the extinction of people of StMaarten Heritage. Our government of both past and present sacrifice the people of StMaarten Heritage for their personal interest. In Brazil and parts of South America and in the U.S.A and Canada people of those origins are protected under the law because they are in danger of being extinct. Not forgetting my friends of Israel which fight and attain their country and is now 6 million Jews living in Israel. This is the big question, in the last 50 years of development in StMaarten has the people of StMaarten Heritage increase in numbers and did they attain economic wealth? Let the reality of the people of StMaarten Heritage be your answer which is no. Another big question is what is the necessity of government? Thomas Jefferson who is a past President of United States answers the question in this manner. The purpose of government is to protect the individual rights of its citizens. Individual rights state explicitly the requirements for a person to benefit rather than suffer from living in a society. I agree with Thomas Jefferson. The conclusion is the individual rights of the people of StMaarten Heritage being protected, and the answer is obvious which is no, this means that Affirmative action is the only and the last line of defense. If it is good for African Americans and the real South Africans which is black and Cherokee Indians in Canada and USA and the Jews. Then let your conscience be your guide even more so for people of StMaarten Heritage. While Mr. Marlin and his political party is seeking affirmative actions for children of immigrants then let's do it for the people of StMaarten Heritage who are on the brink of extinction. I reaffirm, affirmative action is the people of StMaarten heritage last line of defense. If it does not happen all of us has help in terminating the sweat, blood tears of ancestors and we will thy in guilt for standing, looking and not doing anything. For evil will continue to triumph when good men look and do nothing.

Yours truly,

Miguel Arrindell

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