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I will address this issue of our Commissioners and their collective responsibilities indebt as to properly understand where the buck should stop whenever there is an unfortunate situation involving any commissioner regarding criminal activities in government.
It is important to know who should take the fall whenever a commissioner is being charged with and condemned for conducting improper actions while holding public office.
People should be properly informed that whenever a member of government especially in the Executive Council is being officially indicted on corruptive charges who should then take full responsibility of such a mishap at the end of the day.
In order to know who should then be ultimately responsible for the fate of such a member in the Executive Council we must first understand the responsibilities of government as a body and the individual members in government.
• Commissioners and their collective responsibilities.
We will first address the issue of collective responsibilities regarding the commissioners.
1) The Executive Council consists of all commissioners and is the sole body that is only
authorized to grant and reject permits.
2) Granting and rejection of permits are done in a joint fashion by commissioners in the
Executive Council and not otherwise.
3) Because of this procedure commissioners should all be aware of the granting and the
rejection of permits.
4) In all cases then, where commissioners are being officially charged with corruptive
practices in government, their associates should also be charged as accomplices and
co- signatories to these questionable documents and should have had foreknowledge
of something being amiss or something does not add up and therefore should have
called for an investigation in this matter.
But would the devil investigate the demon is another question????
So the granting and rejection of permits is a collective responsibility of the Executive Council.
• Obvious observation.
"Leader of government" you too are also perhaps an accomplice in the fraud and forgery case with uncle Louie in the signing and granting of the relevant and questionable permits as a member in the Executive Council.
Commissioner Sarah Wescot Williams, as "leader of government" it behooves you to remain prudent in order to avoid any more embarrassments from your corruptive administration and we demand and deserve good governance with accountability.
• Commissioners with their individual responsibilities.
Now we will address the commissioner's individual responsibilities.
Any commissioner who uses his or her position as a commissioner in influencing the Executive Council to grant or reject a permit in return for receiving personal favors is grossly guilty by law for accepting bribes.
The fact that a commissioner accepts bribe he or her can no longer hide behind the Executive Council's collective responsibilities but rather will be charged on his or her individual responsibility for violating the law on bribery.
Such a commissioner will be most naturally left out in the cold by him or herself when all hell breaks loose or when the sh...t hits the fan!
Here is where and when his or her accomplices, associates or co-sponsors part and go their separate ways leaving their embattled buddy to fend or fight for his or her political career.
• Back or whip lash.
But the danger accomplices, associates or co-sponsors face for leaving their embattled buddy behind to fend and fight tooth and nail in an attempt to hang on to his or her political career is, that at any given moment he or she may cooperate with the justice department in striking a deal in getting lesser punishment for implicating others who are even more guilty than them.
After all we all know that the Titanic didn't went down alone.
• Credible Conclusion.
So commissioners be aware of what can be your perils, pitfalls and other problems regarding:

Collective and individual responsibilities.

Mr.Edwin James.

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