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Suspension Constitution Turks & Caicos Islands based on corruption in Government.

Closer to home now.

How long does the Executive-council of St. Maarten think it can continue
to carry on business as usual and run the island like a personal
enterprise, before the 'hammer' of Higher Supervision comes down with a
bang on Government ?

That day might be much closer than many politicians would want to
believe and the population might want nothing more than such
intervention, in order to 'clean up the mess' and to allow for a new
generation of leaders to step up to the plate.

Regardless of how hard Government is trying to sell its 'Country Status
message', the distrust against Government in virtually every sector of
society is escalating, beyond repair and people would simply like to see
this Government placed under Higher Supervision and investigated.

Food for thought !

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x