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TOPIC; Understanding the identity, motive of non-SXM attackers on local intellectuals.

Clearly, Mr. Gerard BIJNSDORP alias 'Free adviser', alias 'driftwood-artist' is a 'wannabe Jack of all trades' who has found 'paradise' on 'Friendly-island' and he never wants to immigrate back to his cold, cloudy and rainy country.
To secure that his stay in paradise is not jeopardized, he wants to make sure that the natives St. Martiners remain unaware of how they are losing their paradise and their first-rights to it.
Especially at a time when St. Martiners are being confronted with so many threats to their very existence, the total disregard of this so-called 'drift-wood artist' for the intellectuals and leaders of this island should not be seen as innocently 'joking' around.
On the contrary, his constant attempts to ridicule our intellectuals, is a very old colonial and extremely calculated strategy to discourage St. Martiners for speaking out about developments they are concerned about in this their own land or to even aspire to be whatever they want in their own country.
His most recent public and false accusation that Mr Leopold JAMES, vandalized a sign board of a resort under construction in Billy Folley, Simpson-Bay, is 'one step too far'.
Vandalism is a criminal act according to the Dutch penal system.
For the editor of the TODAY news-paper, Mr. HAAR also a Dutchman to now suggest that the public accusation of the 'driftwood artist' was just a 'joke', clearly is intended to protect his country-man for possible prosecution for libel and/or slander
Should the prosecutor regard that false accusation of a criminal act as a 'joke' as well, then certainly he will have lots of jurisprudence and precedence to deal with.
To discuss this topic and many related aspects, join host Billy D. HAMLET who will have Leopold JAMES as guest on his program next week,
DATE; Tuesday, march 42, 2009
TIME; Starting 9.00 a.m.
Number to call 05 90 510045

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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