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Ever since,he was recognized for his work by the IMA (The Indian Merchants Association ) during its celebration of the India Republic Day on January 26, 2010, Mr. Leopold JAMES is rapidly becoming an extremely sought after stakeholder in the overall development on both sides of the island.
After so many years of championing, under very challenging circumstances the rights of the native-indigenous St. Martin people and their ancestral heritage, a growing number of people and organizations have been contacting his organization offering various types of services, network possibilities and possible funding.
Based on the tireless efforts of Leopold JAMES, the time finally seems to have come for a consensus that there can be no stable, sustainable development of the island, if it is not based on the premise, that native St. Martiners are not at the very core and/or foundation of such.
Therefore, as undisputed grass root nation building movement, which like no other has been championing the rightful and justified role of native St. Martiners, the St.Martin Nation Building Foundation and the Association L' Esprit are set to be recognized as the un-disputed representative of all native-indigenous St. Martiners residing on the island and abroad as well.
In order to be able to cope with the growing interest in the movement, Mr. Leopold JAMES, president stated that a recruitment campaign will start to solicit the input of volunteer professionals to res-structure the organization.
It is to be expected that there will be no shortage of potential candidates.


Enthusiastic, professional St. Martiners and St. Martiners-at-heart to help, on a voluntary basis to restructure the SNBF/Association L'Esprit de Concordia to meet growing demand.
Especially volunteers with experience/expertise in the fields of legal-constitutional, organizational, financial, public-relation, multi-media etc. are welcome.
For more information, contact Leopold JAMES, president
Tel 54 43512, US Magic JACK 727 470 2560, cel 5204325/ 06 90 485855

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x