This I-petition is the initiative of the well known St. Martin nation building grass root movement on the island of St.Martin/Sint Maarten.
While this grass root St. Martin movement has already committed itself financially and otherwise to helping the victims of the January 12, Haiti's earthquake, it remains committed to continuing helping the people of Haiti deal with their immediate and short term needs and it strongly encourages others to do the same as well.
However, this movement is also very much aware of the fact that, sooner or later the world's media will focus its attention to other 'hot' spots in the world, resulting in the attention of the world shifting away from the ongoing hardships and needs of the Haitian people.
With that in mind, the St. Martin grass root movement intends to capitalize the current focus of the international media on situation in Haiti in order to put in place a process for sustainable, long term assistance for the Haiti.
With this objective in mind, the movement has created the world's first known I-Petition in which creative ideas are presented aimed at contributing towards a sustainable, long term solution in Haiti.
Such a sustainable, long term solution is not only in the best interest of Haiti and its people, but also for the islands in the Caribbean region, who have always been a haven for Haitian immigrants, but whose small size, and limited resources and infra structure can no longer bear any more immigration burden.
Clearly, while Haiti most definitely should be massively helped financially, in all fairness, so should many of its Caribbean neighbors also for their sacrifices over many decades in helping their Haitian brothers and sisters.
It is hoped that by signing up to this I-petition, individuals world-wide, can now demonstrate their true love for Haiti and its people.
In addition, the local St.Maarten/St. Martin media, the regional media and the international media, also have a responsibility to go further than promoting only telethons for donations for the short term, but commit themselves also to the long haul.
Clearly supporting this I-Petition gives them a wonderful opportunity.
Eventually this I-petition is expected to reach the UN, the Governments of the US, France, the UK, CARICOM, former Presidents Bill CLINTON, George BUSH and many others and consequently start the process of a MARSHALL PLAN for Haiti.
For more information go to I-Petition.