Maarten expected to be held in June 2010, which are supposed in fact to result in the formation of the very first Parliament for* 'Country St.
Maarten'*, many politicians are*/ 'jockying'/* themselves, in terms of getting an endorsement by the grass root St. Martin nation building- & unification movement.
During the last Federal elections of January 22, 2010, candidates from both parties had private meetings with *Mr. Leopold JAMES*, president of the movement in which they solicited his advice and coaching.
Now again, with the resignation of a candidate from the DP-list and the with the */'buzz'/* of possible new parties and of possible switching from one to the other party, all indications are that the grass root movement of *Leopold JAMES* will become one of the most powerful factors in the elections and in politics in general on both sides of the island.
The reason is very simple.
At the present moment there is a */'public fatigue'/* of all the current political parties, because in essence there are absolutely no fundamental differences between any of the existing political parties.
In addition, the *DP-party* for instance, has great problems finding a cause to rally around and inspire its members on.
At the same time, while it is at loss how to rid itself from its biggest '*/divisive factor'/*.
Therefore, there is clearly a need for, not only a new party, but for a new political/* paradigm shift*/, in which a new party is formed which _*FUNDAMENTALLY*_ profiles itself as distinctively different from *ALL* the other political parties.
Obviously, no-one can deny the fact that there is a growing consensus that the future of *BOTH* sides of the island, lies *NOT* in a continued administrative division and on two different and diverging political constitutional directions, but in *ONE* unified sense of direction.
Since, none of the existing parties ever had any vision on such a unified future for this island, they need advise, or an endorsement from a credible movement, which a proven long term track record in building and unifying the St. Martin nation.
For the record.
There is absolutely no dispute who has been the one personifying such a vision more than the president of the grass root St. Martin nation building & unification movement, *Leopold JAMES*.
Therefore, it is not that difficult to understand why more politicians will be gravitating around his movement, if not to get its endorsement, definitely not get its repudiation for being hypocritical.
Even with this growing political- and community clout, *Leopold JAMES* remains humble and focused on his vision of building the St.Martin nation and promoting its ultimate unification with the native-indigenous St. Martiners in charge of that process.
Consequently, has movement has no axe to grind with any political party or with any politician.
To the contrary, Mr. *Leopold JAMES* is very much willing and prepared to advise, coach and even endorse any politician and or political party so deserving, if necessesary.
There is one condition however.
This support will only be given after those seeking such, commit themselves and pledge to the St. Martin nation building- and unification process whereby the native-indigenous St. Martiners are clearly acknowledged as the foundation for this process.
Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia