If it were up the the majority of the public-, the days of minister Maria BUNCAMPER-MOLANUS woudl have long been numbered.
The woman does not enjoy an once of sympathy-, nor respect to put it plainly.
She comes across to most people-, as a greedy-, power-struck politician-, disguised with a very pretty face.
A face effectively used to lure-, simplistic voters-, mostly of Haitian background to vote for her-, and to carry large posters on their buses-, which according to reports she owns anyhow.
Considering herself as not just another politician-, she 'elevated' herself to another 'class'.
Consequently-, the lady effectively capitalized on her photogenic 'pose'- to transform herself into some 'Santa Maria'-, or 'Tia Maria' of sorts.
However-, even within her own DP party-, the lady is very much disliked-, and even reviled.
Some referred to her a the 'cancer eating the DP-party from inside out'.
So the question is
despite all the above-, and much more-, why isn't 'Tia Maria' history ?
Why isn't she yet walking around in handcuffs ?
Many who have not even come close to what she has done to the country-, would have long time be thrown in jail-, and possibly even have been found guilt before their trial.
The answer is very simple.
'Tia Maria' could have only told those who asked her to resign-, that she would only do that AFTER her party-leader-, and Prime-minister Sarah WESCOT-WILLIAMS would do so first.
Catch on ?
Of course.
'Tia Maria' has the Grime-minister by her *****-,meaning hostage.
Her thinking is that of organized criminals.
I will not go down by myself.
If I am forced-, I will take down 'the whole gang' along with me.
Meanwhile-, the public whom they have sworn to serve-, is being used as a rag-doll.
In addition-, democracy-, and justice are been completely made mockery of.
To make the conspiracy more compelling-, and complex-, is the very unclear role of the entire parliament of 'Country St. Maarten'.
Especially of Justice Minister Mr. Roland DUNCAN-, the Governor, drs. Eugene HOLIDAY-, president of parliament-, drs. Gracita ARRINDELL-, and Ombudsman-, dr. Nilda LYNCH-ARDUYN.
Thus-far-, they have simply left the public in the cold-, while collecting their huge salaries.
However-, we will give them sufficient time to respond-, and work towards a complete investigation of this long-lease saga of Minister Maria BUNCAMPER-MOLANUS.
In the meantime-, we advise the authorities not to believe-, that they will be allowed to run this country as their little 'plantation', because they might live to regret such.
Drs. Leopold JAMES
President SNBF/ Association L' Esprit de Concordia