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A personal tribute to Eldrige VAN PUTTEN.

St. Martin/St.Maarten has lost one of its greatest, post-colonial freedom fighters -Eldridge van Putten - and I have lost my dearest soul-brother.
Eldridge was unique and one of a very special brand.
He blessed with so many gifts.....
That makes even attempting to describe him almost an impossible proposition.
For one, Eldridge, was a believer in justice for all, he was fearless, a free, an independent out-of-the box thinker of an unimaginably natural and creative intelligence.
Eldridge was a natural person, a fun-loving person, a solution oriented person. Eldridge was always there for others - unconditionally.
At the end of the day when you would be feeling depressed or down, he always managed to make you feel good about yourself and to see the sunny side of life. To me, St. Martin/St.Maarten, will never be the same, without Eldridge and his lost really hurts my body and soul.....

Brother-man, Eldridge, we have fought many battles together for this country, which you always put about your own interest.
You never harbored any ill-feelings towards those who accused falsely you of wrong doings
I never thought, that you would be called home before me.
However, His will is not our will and we must accept that for a fact.

I must now find a way to make spiritual sense out of your sudden departure and move on, always mindful of what you meant to this country and to me.
I believe that you belong to a Divine Special Force, sent to earth on a very difficult and special mission.
In other words, I do not think that you were dispatched to our earth as member of an 'occupation-force' to remain here for ever or until you reached 100 years.
I want to believe that, you were too special, too gifted and God needs you elsewhere for another special assignment.
So, your earthly mission has come to an end and you have been called to a very special place.

Brother-man, it was a distinct and humbling privilege having met you and to become one of your soul-brothers.

May you, live in eternal peace, until we meet again, when I will have no more tears of sadness to cry.

Travel safely - one love,

drs. Leopold JAMES

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