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In attached newspaper clipping taken from the TODAY-newspaper of Wednesday, March 18, 2009, Mr. Gerard BIJNSDORP, aka as the 'Unpaid Adviser' accuses my person Leopold JAMES of having vandalized the Travel Inn Sign in Simpson-bay.
An anonymous 'graffiti artist' signed this art-work entitled 'Crime by Theo + Rob.bers with the abbreviation U.A.
In addition, in attached letter to the editor, Mr BIJNSDORP stated, that vandalism should be punished by Mr. Taco STEIN the Chief-prosecutor on St. Maarten.
On that point I am in full consensus with the self proclaimed 'Unpaid-Adviser' and 'Driftwood-artist'
It is certainly no ambition of mine to waste any time on attempting to 'unravel' the mental labyrinths and the intentions of Mr. BIJNSDORP; that I will leave up to the psychiatrists and psych-analysts.
However, since this good gentleman has taken his personal tirade against me to a next level, by publicly making false accusation, I Leopold JAMES, intend to contact the Prosecutors-office for further steps and will report my findings back to the public.

Copy to Mr. Taco STEIN, Chief Public-prosecutor,

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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