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Please intervene to break suppression of freedom of expression in 'Country St. Maarten'.
Dear excellency, drs. HOLIDAY,

Your kind-, but very urgent attention-, and appropriate action is requested regarding the following.
There are reasons to believe that at present-, there is a suppression of freedom of expression taking place in 'Country St. Maarten' under all kinds of pretexts.
We are very concerned-, that such has the potential to lead to very undesirable social consequences in an already stressed-out society.
Although-, certain individuals have in the recent past warned that the financial reality of the island-, sooner of later would result in a serious budget deficit-, those in charge denied such.
Worse yet-, the people of the island were misinformed into believing that the new 'Country status'-, would result in a better financial situation for them.
Now-, the Government is in fact preparing the people for even tougher financial conditions that they already are experiencing.
At the same time-, the salaries and benefits of those in charge-, who were responsible for misinforming the public-, is very comfortable to say the least.
That the public is 'livid'-, and wants to have the opportunity to debate these issues via talk-shows etc-, is an understatement.
Simply-, because if ever there was a public debate necessary to discuss culpability-, accountability-, alternative solutions etc-, it is now.
Therefore-, we urge you to make good use of the power vested in your office-, to call upon those in the media-, to allow for a mature debate on issues like this-, and to consequently avoid pent up emotions to be expressed in undesirable ways.
We all remember what took place in Greece-, Great-Britain-, France-, Ireland etc.when masses took to the streets.
There is absolutely no logical reason to believe that the same-, or worse could not happen here on the 'Friendly island'-, because even a very peace-loving people can be provoked into violence.
It can not be accepted that in reality 'Country St. Maarten' simply means a de-facto 'Banana Republic'.
In ending Excellency-, our advance thanks for your attention-, and we anxiously look forward to your wise-, and expedient response-, in the best interest of freedom of expression for the citizens of 'Country St. Maarten'.
Meanwhile-, we have hereby discharged ourselves of our civil duty to inform you of the sentiments which are brewing within the community you bear the ultimate responsibility for.

drs. Leopold JAMES
President St. Martin grassroot movement.

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