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Dear Editor,

I would like to express my concern about the priority of the prosecutors in handling cases. We all know that our jail is full and that we have not enough manpower to finish investigations. At least this is being told to the general public in Sint Maarten on a daily basis (and basically inviting criminals to go ahead, because the chance of being caught let alone being punished is slim to none).

In my opinion it is our government who is the spine of our society. Yes, we determine who represent us and we determine who needs to get the hell out of Dodge, but the structure and representation lies in government's hands. Without saying that certain government officials are guilty of criminal acts, some severe accusations have been made and have to be dealt with. How can the public have faith in a government who is mixed up in all kinds of scandals like vote buying, illegal land schemes, abuse of power and self-enrichment on the backs of the people?

In order to have a strong government and strong leadership, the public must have faith in their leaders and senior civil servants. Chaos and anarchy will take place if there is no trust in the leaders of a country. This could also result in mass demonstrations, may they be peaceful or not, demanding of government to make way for a new breed of leaders.

Now is the time that the prosecutor's office sets its priority on clarifying all the rumors and accusations. Those who are guilty have to be (severely) punished and those who are innocent should be able to continue to function in the interest of the people. This is the only way to regain stability. If not, our so-called representatives might have something coming to them what they would not expect.

Have a great day,

Sjaoel "Shooz" Richardson

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