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Dear Mr. President,

Out of the greatest of respect for the institution of the Presidency, and in the same manner acknowledging actions above political rhetoric, please allow me to offer my congratulations on your speech and exertions in office.
For better or worse, I believe you have striven to rise to the challenge of office. My own desire has been to see the expansion of decision making to involve the broadest base of the Collectivity.
Together we can surely achieve more than we are currently reading in the press each week. Personal attacks and endless rhetoric, between the leaders of the various parties and to some extent shamefully the institution of the Prefecture itself.
Perhaps you would indulge me by considering just a few proposals intended to enhance budgetary transparency. A weekly, televised programme in the weeks leading up to major fiscal and financial decisions being enacted would allow a real opportunity to win the hearts and minds, and most important the collectivity awareness and understanding of the electorate.
In such program, your team may wish to give a detailed analysis of pre-budget considerations and issues of importance with its priority expenditures, funding and other fiscal imperative. Once presented, the electorate will better be able to evaluate important decisions in an increasing stressed and complicated economic environment, making difficult decisions more widely acceptable. Consider it bringing the Presidency closer to the people. Let us all pull together when it comes to the budget.

Enough of this strategic voting because, it is a majority party decision. Also, don't let an opposition just oppose; all must contribute to strengthen the budget. We are too small of an island to have so many "Califes qui veulent etre Calife a la place du Calife".
I have relocated to Singapore for business and they have recently celebrated their 46th year as a country. Take a close look at what they accomplished in that time. Spare a thought of why they did it, and we can't. Like us they had no natural resource. Let's look outside of Saint-­‐Martin and find what works.
Immediate priorities -­‐ we need a strong fiscal agency, to strategize, enforce, and manage the backbone of our economy. Our income revenue system.
We need a diverse economy that strengthens and develops our riches (being our island's natural beauty, our culture, our people and mostly our children's.); one that listens to its local actors – The current local companies that believed in us and mostly makes it a welcoming island to potential investors and entrepreneurs. Saint-­‐Martin needs to offer the most to all, in a protective manner, so no Saint-­‐Martiner could be left behind.
We took the electoral route of responsibility by becoming a Collectivity; let us start to appreciate the real meaning of that word and aim to be one of the best Collectivities by balancing its expenses with its income.

Yours truly,

Jean-Marc Vermot de Boisrolin

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