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Dear Mr. HAAR,

This is to inform you, that it is my intention to pass by your office on Tuesday July 24, to collect the St. Martin cultural id-card issued to you in January of 2011.
Reason for us revoking this card, is your arrogance and unwillingness to show a minimum of respect and humility towards the sentiments and values of the St. Martin people by refusing to apologize for the printing in full of obscene language on the front-page of your paper.
Whether or not, that language represented the exact expression by MP Patrick ILLIDGE or not, is irrelevant.
As editor, you could have exposed the MP, without spelling out expletives in full and you very well know that.
However, you choose as a reporter to insult your St.Martin readers, just to get at an MP.
Just in case, you knew not.
Our St.Martin cultural id-card is a symbol of our very existence as a people, as well as our pride, heritage, our aspirations, our emancipation and values.
In addition, our card also represents our willingness to include non-native St. Martiners, with an added value as one of us.
Your attitude smacks of superiority towards what St. Martiners feel and/or think. Unfortunately, such leaves us no other option than to revoke your card.

The time is overdue, that St. Martiners stand up for what they believe in and draw a line in the sand and reclaim what is theirs.

Our id-card is not a popularity card for everybody.

It is about a pride in who we as St. Martiners are, irregardless how others see it.


Leopold JAMES
President St.Martin Grassroots People movement and proud, native, indigenous St. Martiner - without apologies.

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