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Giving credit where credit is due - an E-zone for SXM‏.

RE; E-zone for St. Maarten....finally
SOURCE; www. St. Maarten Island ; E-Zone project receives financing, projected to boost investment climate
'Honorable' Minister MEYERS,
Congratulated with the financing of the E-zone project.
Please, do not forget to give credit and possible a meaningful role in this project to Mr. Theophilus PRIEST from Marigot Hill.
After all, as far as I remember, he was the first to propose this idea and to push it, when Government had no clue /no interest.
It is time, that our Government honors our own local, native St. Martiners, who in the past, have taking a very public stand on certain issues, when most people were fast 'asleep'.
Mr. PRIEST is certainly one of those visionary people.
Do not wait, until he is passed on, to honor him with a statue - that will be too late for him.
Now that you have been bestowed with the title 'HONORABLE', please give it content and ACT honorably by duly recognizing Mr. PRIEST.

Yeah, its me 'u dunn no',

Leopold JAMES
The proud St. Martin one, without apologies.
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