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Will the Caribbean PMs be Dutch ornaments or bring up the violations of the UN Charter by Holland on the Caribbean peoples?

At the moment, the PMs of the former Netherlands Antilles, so-called autonomous islands or countries attend the 76th UN GA while their islands’ governments and parliaments are subordinated to the Dutch PM Rutte’s government power.

The Dutch Kingdom State Secretary Mr Knops, who forced them – Curacao, Aruba, and St Maarten (CAS-islands)- to surrender and sign away more of the already limited autonomy they possessed, which was already below the minimum UN and International law standards, in order to get COVID-19 aid. The question is if their participation is voluntary or under Dutch duress for Dutch propaganda? Will they participate in high-level meetings and lobby for the Sustainable Development Goals and SIDS UN funds under Dutch duress?

Are the four prime ministers at equal level? Which PM is head of the Kingdom delegation to the UN General Assembly? Who will speak at the podium - a prime minister, a Kingdom minister, the ambassador to the UN, the PM of Curacao, Aruba or St Maarten?

The main question is if these PMs will expose and denounce to the GA and the world the Dutch aggression and violations committed to the Caribbean peoples of the Kingdom. Will they tell the UN and world the truth?

Hypocrisy at the highest is that the Dutch Prime Minister Rutte attending is not the new official government of Holland as the Dutch elections were held in March 2021, and up to now they have not been able to form a government. Especially as this process is mainly undermined by “exploded racism/discrimination/corruption scandals” victimizing the same Caribbean peoples that are misrepresented at the UN by this Dutch propaganda.

Furthermore, how is it possible that the CERD Committee recently accused the Dutch government of human rights violations and seriously and heavily questioned the same Dutch PM government who forced the agreement on COHO and the continuation of Dutch colonialism on the Caribbean peoples of the Kingdom while these Caribbean PMs attend the Dutch-UN-show. Are they not committing treason to their own peoples?

Will the SDG 2030 and SIDS funds lobbying campaign by the subordinated Caribbean PMs not be used in the same strategy as with MDG UN poverty eradication funds that the Dutch used successfully to bait, divide, and destroy the Netherlands Antilles? Will these so-called autonomous islands not undergo the same fate as Bonaire, believing that by surrendering their autonomy they will receive these SDG funds? As up to today, the Bonaire people did not receive any MDG poverty-eradication funding. This is in sharp contrast to the promises made at the 10-10-10 illegal annexation of Bonaire which has led to more poverty than ever before: 3 food-banks emerged under Dutch rule; the locals have to work two to three jobs to survive, and more than 50% off the population lives under the poverty line. Dutch standard: same plan, same results for the CAS-islands?

Finally, the most serious threat to our islands re-listing trajectory is that their presence at the UN as "Prime Ministers" of the 'semi-autonomous countries 'countries (which are not independent) can confuse some independent States -especially when the issue of re-inscription on the UN list for these same autonomous countries is raised - at the UN. This could seriously jeopardize the legitimate rights of our peoples to be protected as a NSGT under UN scrutiny, where Holland will have the obligation to report annually to the UN in compliance to article 73.

This will be another critical moment where the PMs of our Caribbean peoples will have to make a historical choice. Will they under Dutch duress side with the colonial oppressor and betray our peoples once more as was the case at the 1955 at the 10th UN GA?

Foundation Nos Ke Boneiru Bek

Bonaire Human Rights Organization

Decolonization Chapter Former Netherlands Antilles

CC       United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

           The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

            Parliament and Government of the Netherlands

            Parliament of Curacao

            Parliament of Aruba

            Parliament of St Maarten





            Global African Congress

Facts on continuation of Dutch colonialism in the Caribbean – Curacao-Aruba-St Maarten- Bonaire- St Eustatius:

Curacao: the Curacao prime-minister and parliament are under an undemocratic budgetary financial supervision and remain under heavy threat of intervention by The Hague, are subordinated to Kingdom Acts, and recently due to the COVID-19 crisis, they were blackmailed to sign away more autonomy and be subordinated to an undemocratic Dutch entity (COHO), which possesses powers to control all aspects of the islands. In other words, back to colonial rule in a modern jacket.

Aruba: the Aruba prime-minister and parliament are currently under an undemocratic budgetary financial supervision and were, like Curacao, are subordinated to Kingdom Acts and recently due to Covid-19 crisis aid blackmailed to sign and surrender more autonomy, subordinating of their government under an undemocratic Dutch institution (COHO), which possesses powers to control all aspects of the islands. In other words, back to colonial rule in a modern jacket.

St Maarten: St Maarten prime minister and parliament are currently under undemocratic budgetary control and government are steered by The Hague. And subordinated to Kingdom Acts. The Dutch abused the post-hurricane Irma chaos, the need for financial aid for the reconstruction, and recently the COVID-19 crisis with a cynical quid-pro-quo attitude to put the St. Maarten parliament under duress and blackmailed it after some resistance to sign an “illegal” COHO agreement, subordinating their democracy under this undemocratic Dutch institution.

Bonaire: the Bonaire people are being ruled in a colonial status against their wishes. They democratically and legally rejected that status, but still more pressing is the ongoing systematic process: a new settlers/colonization drive started with an open-immigration policy without restrictions to all European Dutch and with no possibility to be addressed or stopped. The destitution and eradication of our people is completed as we are reduced to a minority group on our own island in the short space of time since the open immigration and illegal annexation on October 10, 2010, and were embedded under unequal rights in the Dutch Constitution in October 2017

St Eustatius: same situation as Bonaire and furthermore on the undemocratic unilateral action and intervention of the Dutch in Sint Eustatius in February 2018 consisting in the removal and overthrow of the legitimate elected democratic governance through abuse of legislative power with the police and military force on standby. This was followed by the appointment of non-democratic colonial rulers ruling the Statian people and holding farce-elections in 2020 as the democratically elected leaders possess no decision and executive powers and remains under Dutch-colonial-rule

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