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No guidelines in place to stop public gathering --- Minister of Justice.

lyndonlewis09052024PHILIPSBURG: --- Minister of Justice Lyndon Lewis told members of parliament on Thursday that there are no written guidelines to stop any political party or members of the public from gathering; this is contrary to the decision taken by the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.
Lewis returned to parliament on Thursday to deliver answers to questions posed to him last week regarding the uptick in shootings in St. Maarten in recent weeks. During the second round of the meeting, Members of Parliament from the opposition benches, namely the National Alliance and the United Peoples Party, questioned the Minister of Justice on why the Council of Ministers decided to cancel all public meetings. They asked if anything had changed since their last meeting with the government and justice officials, who told them that there was no indication to show that the shooting on July 17th, 2024, was politically motivated.
Former Prime Minister and now Member of Parliament Silveria Jacobs presented a motion on the floor of parliament stating that the parliament of St. Maarten expresses its disapproval of the ad hoc decision taken by the Council of Ministers to unilaterally cancel all public events, meetings, gatherings, and election day gatherings.
The motion also states that the Prime Minister or Council of Ministers did not consult with its stakeholders before canceling the public events.

draftmotion25072024Minister Lewis announced that he is responsible for the guidelines and that there are no official guidelines he signed. Lewis clarified that everything has to be appropriately done in consultation with the stakeholders, and only then will a decision be made. “There are no guidelines because the Justice Ministry is busy combing through everything, so we cannot stop you from having those public meetings.” Members of Parliament roared when they heard the announcement made by the Minister of Justice.
Leader of the United Peoples Party Omar Ottley said in his address to parliament that the Minister of Justice Lyndon Lewis should take his time and adequately consult with justice stakeholders. “Ottley said my second proposal of order is to somehow get Luc out of here, I am done I have had enough, I have had enough with the games from the entire cabinet. It is utter nonsense, and I am glad I am not in the position of the other parties that had to postpone their public meetings for tonight. This move is vote suppression, and it is the motive of Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina.”
Member of Parliament Sarah Wescot Williams, in her proposal of order, called on the Minister to have his consultations, work as soon as possible on the guidelines, and send them to the Parliament of St. Maarten.

Member of Parliament Cloyd Marlin said St. Maarten was becoming a comedy club and asked if anyone should believe anything from Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina.

The public meeting has been adjourned until next week when the Minister will return to provide answers to questions posed on Thursday.


MP Kotai champions Infrastructure Bonds for economic revitalization.

virenkotai25072024PHILIPSBURG:--- In a move to rejuvenate St. Maarten's economy, Democratic Party (DP) Member of Parliament Viren V. Kotai is exploring the introduction of infrastructure bonds. This initiative aims to tackle the island's economic challenges head-on and benefit its citizens substantially. In light of Moody's downgrade of St. Maarten’s credit rating to Ba2, MP Kotai underscores the necessity for innovative and practical solutions that yield real results for the people of St. Maarten.

"Modern infrastructure is a magnet for international investment and tourism, enhancing our global reputation and economic outlook. Infrastructure bonds offer citizens a stable and attractive investment opportunity," stated MP Kotai. "These bonds will serve as a secure investment vehicle, ensuring broad participation and benefit across our community."

MP Kotai plans to actively engage with the directorate of the Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten to discuss this initiative. "Our bank is a crucial development partner. I am committed to establishing a strong relationship to transform St. Maarten into the envy of the Caribbean once again," Kotai added.

MP Kotai has requested an exploratory meeting with the Central Bank to assess current economic measures, strategize the implementation of infrastructure bonds, and outline a long-term plan to restore a robust international credit rating.

By funding critical projects such as roads, schools, and upgraded utility services, these bonds will stimulate economic activity and create jobs, thereby fostering a resilient economy. "Upgrading our infrastructure is essential for ensuring reliable and safe public services, which in turn enhances the quality of life for all citizens. Additionally, infrastructure bonds can support green projects, promoting sustainable development," Kotai explained.

MP Kotai believes that investing in these bonds allows citizens to contribute directly to their community's development, instilling pride and a sense of accomplishment. These bonds are designed to be accessible to both local and foreign investors, ensuring widespread participation and benefit from national growth.

Addressing concerns about the Ba2 rating, MP Kotai acknowledges the challenge but proposes concrete solutions to restore confidence: "Involving the entire nation in our growth is crucial. Previous governments have failed to deliver on promises of affordable housing, resorting to empty rhetoric rather than tangible action. Real nation-building means engaging all citizens, not just a select few. Infrastructure bonds empower St. Maarteners to invest in their future, keeping money within our economy and benefiting everyone."

"While other parties have offered lip service and empty promises, the Democratic Party is dedicated to delivering real solutions," affirmed MP Kotai. "Infrastructure bonds are a practical and effective way to address our nation's needs and ensure every citizen can share in our progress."

Encouraging widespread investment in infrastructure bonds ensures extensive benefits. This approach keeps funds within the local economy and benefits a broad population segment. By allowing locals to invest and benefit from tax incentives such as tax write-offs and untaxed bond sales while applying a capital gains tax to foreign investors, wealth is retained within the country, supporting long-term economic stability.

"Twenty years ago, we were financially more secure than today. It's time for innovative solutions that involve our citizens in nation-building. Infrastructure bonds present a win-win situation for our economy and our people, fostering pride and financial security," concluded MP Kotai.

Sint Maarten Library facilitates educational excursion engaging in the value of sharing.

summerfest25072024PHILIPSBURG:--- During summertime, students can learn new concepts or reinforce what they have learned during the school terms. The Sint Maarten Library joined the Creative Learning Disney Camp, incorporating the "Anything Disney" theme to teach children the importance of sharing.
The Sint Maarten Library welcomed 26 children, ages 2 to 10, and began briefly introducing library services, explaining the relationship between the library and its young users. The children enjoyed a personalized tour based on age- age-appropriate collections, followed by a short YouTube clip of Sesame Street’s “Cookie Monster at the Library,” which humorously entertained and educated the young audience on proper library behavior.
The Disney Campers were divided into three age groups, each participating in a reading promotional session featuring a book focused on the theme of "Sharing."
St. Dominic Community Based Learning student Jada Benfield read to group I, consisting of ten youngsters ages 2 to 6, from Mercer Mayer's book ME TOO! This heartwarming picture book celebrates the value of sharing. Following the reading, the children engaged in a hands-on painting activity, using a shared white poster to display their innocence in a collaborative art piece that reflected their sharing abilities.
Group II. Seven children, ages 7 to 8, listen to Katie Daynes's retold Russian folk tale “The Enormous Turnip.” This story illustrates the importance of teamwork and unity, as all the characters work together to achieve their goal. The children created their masterpiece using a green poster, incorporating green, white, and yellow to symbolize hope, happiness, innocence, and teamwork.
Group III. Nine children, aged 9 to 10, listened to Mariam Laundry's story “I CAN: Make A Difference,” read by the children and youth librarian Mariland Powell. The children received a yellow poster decorated with poems, quotes, and glitter to highlight their youthfulness, optimism, and happiness, displaying the difference that sharing can make.
Additionally, all the children watched a complementary YouTube video clip of “All dogs go to Heaven: What’s yours is mine” and coloring pages related to the theme of sharing.
This initiative underscores the Sint Maarten Library’s commitment to fostering literacy and providing educational experiences for the community.

Community Council of South Reward hosts successful Town Hall meeting in preparation for 2024 Hurricane Season.

South Reward:--- The Community Council of South Reward held a highly informative and engaging town hall meeting yesterday aimed at preparing residents for the upcoming 2024 hurricane season. This proactive initiative sought to educate and inform the community on crucial measures to protect themselves before, during, and after a hurricane.

Key stakeholders essential to enhancing these preparedness efforts were present at the meeting, including representatives from the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM), the Fire Department, the Red Cross, Community Development, Mental Health Services, and the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (VROMI). The Hon. Minister of VROMI also participated, providing valuable updates on ongoing and plans such as cleaning trenches, removing wrecks, and general cleaning in various districts.

The session, chaired by Community Chairman Mr. David Richardson and his team, provided a platform for stakeholders to share vital information and resources with residents. The KPSM, represented by their Community Police Officer (CPO), underscored the importance of community cooperation and vigilance in minimizing threats and ensuring safety.

The Fire Department highlighted fire safety measures and emergency response protocols, while the Red Cross offered insights into first aid and emergency relief services. Representatives from Community Development and Mental Health Services emphasized the significance of mental health support and community solidarity during and after disaster events.

The  Minister of VROMI Mr. Gumbs, focused on the ministry's efforts to improve infrastructure resilience and cleanliness in anticipation of severe weather conditions. These initiatives include systematic trench cleaning to prevent flooding, removal of wrecks and debris, and enhancement of overall district hygiene.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Richardson commended the community for their proactive stance and collaboration, stating, "This initiative is a testament to the strength and unity of South Reward. By coming together and staying informed, we can significantly reduce risks and ensure our community's safety during the hurricane season."

The KPSM also thanked the Community Council of South Reward for spearheading this crucial initiative, acknowledging that such efforts are instrumental in safeguarding the community.

The Community Council of South Reward remains committed to ongoing education and preparation efforts, encouraging all residents to stay informed and involved in community safety activities.



KPSM Press Release.

Successful apprehension of suspects in connection with shooting investigation and other crimes.

housesearches25072024PHILIPSBURG:--- On July 24, 2024, between 17:30 and 21:00, the patrols of the Uniformed Division conducted a series of house searches concerning a shooting investigation. These operations were executed to locate a suspect directly involved in that incident. Additionally, the searches targeted other individuals linked to issued warrants for their involvement in various crimes, including ill-treatment, destruction of property, and threatening behavior.

One suspect was successfully apprehended at his residence. Subsequently, the other three suspects voluntarily surrendered to authorities after becoming aware of the police presence at their homes.

The management of the Korps Politie Sint Maarten (KPSM) extends its gratitude to the officers for their professionalism and conduct during this operation. Their dedication exemplifies our commitment to serving and protecting our community.

KPSM also acknowledges the cooperation of the suspects who chose to turn themselves in, thereby upholding the legal process. Each suspect will be able to answer and defend themselves against the charges in court.

We remain steadfast in our mission to maintain safety and uphold justice within our community.



KPSM Press Release.

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