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St. Maarten/St. Martin Bids Farewell to Etienne Hubert Meyers --- The Late Meyers was described as man that wore many caps, yet a dedicated Father and Husband.

wmarlinatetiennemeyersfuneral23022013Sucker Garden:--- Residents and citizens both young and old made their way to the Royal Funeral Home on Saturday morning to bid farewell to the late Etienne Hubert Meyers who passed away on his 67th wedding anniversary which was February 14th, 2013. Among those that attended the funeral was Governor Eugene Holiday and First Lady Marie Louise Holiday, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams, Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin, former Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the United Peoples Party Theodore Heyliger, President of Parliament Rodolphe Samuel, Members of Parliament George Pantophlet, Dr. Lloyd Richardson, Dr. Ruth Douglass, Johan Janchi Leonard, former Lt. Governor Franklyn Richards, the President of the Collectivity of St. Martin Alain Richardson and Senator Louis Constant Fleming. Other well known persons such as former Mayor Albert Fleming and his wife Josianne Fleming, founder of the United St. Martin Movement (USM) Daniella Jeffry, Judge Wally Haverthong, and former Chief of Police Derrick Holiday along with several police officers who are now retired attended the home going ceremony of the late Etienne Meyers who made major contributions to his country during his lifetime.

The late Etienne Meyers served in the Dutch Colony Militia "The Scotterj" while he lived in Aruba, he joined the Police Force of the former Netherlands Antilles on February 12, 1948. He gave 37 years of his life to the Police Force as an "Onder Inspecteur". Later he wrote the police examination and passed with flying colors. The late Etienne Hubert Meyers attained the title of Chief of Police in St. Maarten and Statia where he also lived for some years, Chief Immigration Officer at the Princess Juliana International Airport, and Captain of the Boys Brigade in the 1970's. The late Etienne Hubert Meyers was also knighted by Oranje of Nassau for his achievements and the years of service he gave to the Militia and Police Force. He was also the Chief Security Officer at the Princess Juliana International Airport until he retired in 1988. The late Meyers then opened a security company and obtained a contract to secure the La Samanna Hotel on the French side of the island.

horsehearse23022013His son, former Minister of TEATT Franklin Meyers read his father's eulogy and in that presentation he said while his mother the late Methodist Minister Eulalie Meyers who passed away two years ago gave her life to the world, the community and the eight children that the late Etienne Meyers fathered, but he was there for them even when they were ill at night.

Even though there was a huge crowd inside and outside of the Royal Funeral Home, the children of the late Etienne Meyers were not shy in showing their emotions for their late father, all of whom took care of him equally his son Franklin Meyers told the gathering. His body was taken by the Royal Funeral Home Horse carriage to the Cul de Sac cemetery where he was laid to rest.

Click here to view more photos of the Home Going Ceremony of the late Etienne Hubert Meyers.

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