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PUBLIC NOTICE: Classical Ballet Audition for National Institute of Arts.

It is Official. Imbali and Motiance Dance School have merged to become NATIONAL INSTITIUTE OF ARTS.
As one of the first activities to embrace the new vision, we are organizing a special audition to create a selection class in classical ballet...
We hereby invite all students of dance, to audition for this class. This is a first, in a series of upgrading of our dance curriculum.

WE know many of you are still in Carnival mode, but this is a wonderful opportunity for many of you, who are dedicated to your dance arts.

We are inviting a special panel of judges that include, a physical therapist as well as musicologist. Of course your teachers, will be there to lend you their support...

This is an open audition. All lovers of dance are welcome. You need not only be a Motiance or Imbali student. Tell a friend. This class is created with you in mind. Please call us for more information.

Audition National Institute of Arts
"Selection Class" Classical Ballet

On May 3, 2013 in the John Larmonie Center at 4:30 pm.
The N.I.A. will host an audition for classical ballet for youth ages 8 to 13 with at least 2 years of classical ballet training.

The audition panel will consist of a professional team inclusive of a physical therapist and musicologist.
Attire: leotard, tights, ballet slipper, dance skirt allowed.
Interviews will be conducted at the end of the audition.

Address: John Larmonie Center, Long Wall Road #20, and Philipsburg
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

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