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CPS Introduces New Immune Boosting Vaccine for Children Under the Age of Two.

pneumococcalvaccineforchildrenunder2yrs08052013Philipsburg:--- On Wednesday, May 8th at the Council of Ministers' press briefing, Minister Cornelius de Weever announced the introduction of a new immune boosting vaccine called the Pneumococcal vaccine (pronounced noo-muh-kok-uhl). This new vaccine will help protect children under the age of 2 from bacteria called Streptococcus pneumonia (pneumococcus) which can cause Pneumococcal disease, such as pneumococcal pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis and otitis media. Pneumococcus (a type of bacteria) is in the nose and throat of many people and is spread by coughing, sneeze
ng, or contact with respiratory secretions which can be very dangerous for children under the age of 2 and elderly adults.

Vaccines have been used to prevent pneumococcal disease for more than 30 years. Currently, there are 2 different types of pneumococcal vaccines on the market: (1) a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) available since the early 1980s and (2) 2 conjugate vaccines available since 2009, one 10-valent (PCV10) the other 13-valent (PCV13). The 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) is gradually being removed from the market. The vaccine that is new to St. Maarten which we are now introducing is the 13-valent vaccine.

Currently available PCVs are safe, effective and the increased number of serotypes present in these vaccines, compared to the first licensed PCV7, represent significant progress in the fight against pneumococcal morbidity and mortality. The use of pneumococcal vaccine is complementary to the use of other pneumonia control measures, such as appropriate case management, promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months of life, and the reduction of known risk factors, such as indoor pollutants and tobacco smoke.

In the event that children started the series of pneumococcal vaccination with a different vaccine type (PCV 7 or PCV 10) and they are under the age of 24 months, the schedule can be completed with the PCV 13 vaccine. Registration for the vaccination will take place on the yellow vaccination card in the field "others", in the child's chart and in the baby book.

As of May 12th 2013, the Baby Clinic next to the Yogesh Building will begin administrating the Pneumococcal Vaccine to all children under the age of 2. You may also contact your family doctor or pediatrician for more information.

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