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TelEm Group Observing World Telecommunication and Information Society Day road safety theme.

worldtelecommunicationandinformationsocietydayad16052013Pond Island:--- TelEm Group is promoting the safe use of mobile handsets and smartphones by motorists on St. Maarten as part of its observance of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) today (Friday).

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is an important part of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) calendar for telecommunication companies worldwide.

It is celebrated each year on 17, May and helps raise public awareness about the possibilities of using the Internet and other Information and communication technologies (ICTs) to the benefit of societies and economies.

The theme chosen for this year's observance is: "ICT's and improving road safety.

In observance of the telecommunication day today TelEm Group will be presenting 10 randomly-selected customers with hands-free mobile accessories to promote the responsible use of mobile phones in vehicles .

"The best practice is not to be distracted at all by using a mobile devise while in your vehicle and while driving, but if you must and can operate the devise with voice-activated commands or remotely, then a hands-free device is legal and also your safest option," TelEm Group will be informing the recipients during the presentation of the hands-free devices.

The company wants the recipients of the gifts to make use of them and provide the company with feedback on their use so that they can further inform other customers and members of the public to make them in turn, more aware of the role ITC can play in road safety practices.

TelEm Group endorses this year's message from ITU Secretary General, Dr. Hamadoun I. Toure, that road safety should be a global concern and will be doing its part to continue to promote the theme for the balance of the year.

The company traditionally marks the day locally with a motivational message to personnel and a small customer-appreciation ceremony.

This year TelEm Group is also promoting the ITU young Innovators Competition amongst St. Maarten schools and youth, in collaboration with the ITU and the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO) (see advertisements in the print media).

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