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Toastmasters St. Maarten to host Area Debate on Electoral Reform.

leonaromeomarlin20052013The Toastmasters Clubs of Sint Maarten will be hosting an Area Debate with the theme "Electoral Reform; Is there a need for change?". This event will be debated by experienced Toastmasters and will bring to the forefront the pros and cons on one of the most talked about issues within the community of Sint Maarten. "The debate will be one of the first held in a very long time by the organization", said Area Governor Leona Romeo-Marlin. As Area Governor, "I believe that it is essential that as Toastmasters we fervently continue to educate not only our selves but the community". Funds raised from this debate will be used for purchasing of educational and administrative materials for the Toastmasters Clubs on the Island.

Toastmasters International offers a program of communication and leadership projects designed to help people learn the art of speaking, listening, and thinking.
The debate will give spectators the opportunity to view Toastmasters display quick responses, present coherent arguments and make a clear presentation of their views. Teams will get the opportunity to present their affirmative or negative case and each team will get a chance to rebuttal. Team one consists of Joy Arnell, Denise Vijber, Georges Richardson, and Ashanti van Heyningen. Team two consists of Danae Daal, Malcolm Jacques, Alexandra den Ouden and Juan Richardson.
"The subject chosen by the planning committee may be considered a 'hot topic' however to reiterate what I stated it's about educating the community. I encourage the community of St. Maarten to take advantage of this opportunity and attend this event", concluded Area Governor Leona Romeo-Marlin.
The debate is scheduled for June 9th, 2013 at the Belair Community Center, starting at 4.30 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door for $8 p.p.

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