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Rotaract Sunrise plant trees at High Schools for Green Wave Day.

rotaractsxmsunriseplantstreesathighschools23052013Philipsburg:--- In recognition of Green Wave Day, The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise planted coconut trees at 7 high schools on the island on Wednesday 22nd May 2013.
The Green Wave is a worldwide ongoing global biodiversity-education project that encourages people to make a difference in conserving the basis for life on Earth. Through action-oriented learning, The Green Wave, celebrated annually on May 22nd, demonstrates that learning about biodiversity can be fun and that persons can contribute to a global movement of people who care for the planet.
The high schools that benefited from this initiative were, Milton Peters College, St. Maarten Academy, St. Maarten Academy PSVE, St. Dominic, Sundial, Learning Unlimited and Caribbean International Academy. Members of the Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise planted the coconut trees with the help of students and personnel of the schools. In addition, members briefly informed the students about the importance of preserving and restoring our biodiversity.
The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise would like to thank Mr. Jerry Speetjens for contributing to this Green Wave project by donating the coconut trees to the club.

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