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Minister De Weever highlights importance of garbage separation.

cdeweeveratlandfillfire24052013Great Bay:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever visited the landfill fire on the day the fire began to assess the situation and has expressed his concerns, and stresses the importance of garbage separation. Any burning of garbage at the landfill has serious consequences for the health of our community and the health of the environment.
It is known that when plastic bags burn, the composition of the bag mixed with the heat produces a highly toxic chemical called dioxin. Burning any type of plastic releases toxic and potentially cancer causing chemicals into the air, where they can be inhaled by humans and animals and deposited in soil and surface water and on plants. If plastics are burned with other materials, additional toxic chemicals may be created from the interaction of the different substances. Unburned portions of the plastic become litter on the ground. As it disintegrates, animals may eat the plastic and get sick. Larger pieces of plastic can become a breeding ground for diseases, such as by trapping water that provides habitat for mosquitoes.
"We should be able to separate our garbage into different categories, and encourage recycling as this minimizes health risks and protects the environment by keeping harmful chemicals out of the air," said Minister De Weever.
Minister De Weever is asking the community to introduce the 3Rs into their lives, which is Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce.

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