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Second C.P.T.E.D. Course held on Sint Maarten.

cptedcourseparticipants26052013Cole Bay:--- The Sint Maarten Police Force (KPSM) organized its second C.P.T.E.D. course for its members along with other partners within the community. The course which was held in the conference room of Carl and Sons in Orange Grove dured from Monday May 20th through Friday May 24th. Approximately 45 participants took part in this course. C.P.T.E.D. stands for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design and was given by Mr. Arthur S. Hushen who is the President of National Crime Institute of Crime Prevention Inc. This course is primarily to educate all members of society how to better protect themselves against crime by applying the C.P.T.E.D concept.
Sint Maarten is the first country in the Caribbean to have so many persons follow this course. The island of Barbados thus far has four (4) persons that have followed this course. So far Sint Maarten has over 80 persons that have followed this course. Sint Maarten also made it possible for persons from our sister islands of Anguilla and the BES island to follow this course. In doing this the Sint Maarten Police Force and its partners have reached another mile stone and intends to continue expanding on the knowledge it has acquired.
In the coming months the Sint Maarten Police Force will have its Community Police Officers follow advanced C.P.T.E.D. courses and this will make the Sint Maarten Police Force eligible for an international nomination.
At the end of the course all participants received a certificate of participation as a C.P.T.E.D specialist.

KPSM Press Release

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