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Wildlife Workshop is a Natural Fit at St. Martin Book Fair.

markyokoyama29052013Philipsburg:--- May 29, 2013 At this year's St. Martin Book Fair, author and naturalist Mark Yokoyama will be presenting a workshop entitled "Wildlife Beats: The Rhythms of Nature on St. Martin." This special workshop is designed to complement this year's Book Fair theme "Drum Beats." The book fair is taking place at various locations on St. Martin from May 30th to June 1st. The Wildlife Beats workshop will be at 11am on Saturday, June 1st at University of St. Martin. Like all of the book fair events it is free and open to the public.

"The St. Martin Book Fair brings together so many different aspects of the St. Martin experience," says Yokoyama, "and that is one of the things that makes it so special. Whether it is literature, poetry, history or cooking, the books each tell a piece of the St. Martin story." He added, "I'm honored to have the chance to add the wildlife piece to that puzzle."

During the workshop, Yokoyama will explore the various rhythmic cycles that influence wildlife on St. Martin. Some are as short as a day, like the changing of the guard between daytime and nocturnal wildlife, while other cycles repeat over years, decades or even longer. Together, these "beats" form a song that is unique to the island. A slideshow of wildlife photos illustrates the various cycles and their impact on wildlife.

The St. Martin Book Fair, now in its 11th year, is a "book fair for the entire family" and showcases local and international authors. In addition to the workshops, there are readings, panel discussions and book launch events. For more information about the book fair, visit:

Mark Yokoyama is the author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin, a guide featuring hundreds of animal species from St. Martin. An updated second edition of his book will be launched this summer. He also gives wildlife presentations and nature walks for schools and the general public. For more information about the workshop, visit or look up Saint Martin wildlife on Facebook.

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