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Curacao Civil Aviation has granted additional destinations to DAE.

daeaircrafts28052013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- After reviewing the financial figures of Dutch Antilles Express (DAE) and its 2012/2013 Business Plan and after performing all required mandatory SAFETY inspection on DAE's current fleet, the Curacao Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) has authorized all DAE's new destination' requests up to this moment and granted DAE the following destinations this week:

Curacao – Cali – Curacao
Curacao – Cucuta – Curacao
Curacao – Bogota – Curacao
Curacao – Cartagena – Curacao
Curacao – Bucaramanga – Curacao
Curacao – Barbados – Curacao
Curacao – Port of Spain – Curacao
Curacao – Montego Bay – Curacao
Curacao – Port au Prince – Curacao

"On behalf of our DAE family, we appreciate and express our gratitude to the CCAA for this trust, which commits us to continue working for Curacao. By granting us these designations, CCAA confirms our financial stability and ability to expand our operations and that DAE complies with all requirements and has a Safe Operations," Ramiz attested.

"DAE will start operating to Bogota and Cartagena by June 30. We will announce the day as soon as the flights are in our system," Ramiz indicated.

"Haiti will be for July 15. The rest of Colombia e.g. Cali, Cucuta and Bucaramanga as well as Montego Bay, Port of Spain and Barbados will be announced on a later date but it will be after the summer and definitely before the fourth quarter of this year," Ramiz stated.

"This summer we will also have different charter programs of 2 weekly flights to Manaus, Brazil and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic starting July till September of this year. With these charter flights to Manaus we will feed Orlando, Punta Cana, and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Sint Maarten, Bonaire and Aruba. Additional weekly flights to other destinations are being negotiated with local travel agencies and groups in Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama and Havana. We will adjust our schedule after June 15. We will change Suriname and make it an overnight in Paramaribo, so we can connect Suriname with our HUB to other destinations." Ramiz said.

"We will operate this summer with one MD-83 and one Fokker -100 as back ups and the rest of our aircrafts will be operating the routes that we have. Additional aircrafts will have to be added later on this year," Ramiz concluded.

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