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NAGICO converts to LED lights.

nagicoconvertstoledlights25102013PHILIPSBURG:--- NAGICO Insurances' head office in Philipsburg has converted its traditional office lighting to LED lighting as part of its ongoing sustainability efforts.
"Becoming more energy efficient will help us protect and sustain our environment for the long term and at NAGICO we pride ourselves in setting the example in being good corporate citizens. LED lights can save up to 50% in electricity usage compared to traditional light bulbs and an additional benefit is that they do not emit any heat compared to traditional lights, which in turn will save air-conditioning power", says Paul Dijkhoffz, NAGICO's Executive Marketing Manager.
"We have installed the LED's in separate phases of which the last phase will be completed by next week", says Louis Henson, NAGICO's Services and Maintenance Assistant, who oversaw the LED installation.
"NAGICO's head office will serve as a bench mark for the rest of our branch offices located throughout the region at which we aim to implement the same sustainable and environmentally friendly measures", added Dijkhoffz.

NAGICO Press Release

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