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Ministry VROMI announces Simpson Bay Causeway Round-a-bout Road Closures starting Tuesday Night.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that the upcoming road closures at the Simpson Bay Causeway Round-a-bouts on the Airport side (West) and the Round-a-bout (East) along the Union Road, Cole Bay near the border, is related to the application of thermoplast road markings and installation of the concrete centre guardrail.

The main road (Airport Road) leading to the airport and Maho Reef and to Simpson Bay from the aforementioned, and from Cole Bay to Marigot and vice versa, will be CLOSED for approximately eight (8) hours to facilitate the application of road markings on the main roads that connect to the round-a-bouts.

Road Closure: Cole Bay-Marigot/Marigot-Cole Bay

There will be no through-traffic on the Union Road from the entrance to Port de Plaisance to Marigot and vice versa.

Tuesday, December 03-Wednesday, December 04, 10:00pm to 6:00am.

The road will be re-opened at 6:00am on Wednesday, December 04 for motorized traffic. Motorized traffic will be able to use part of the round-a-bout.

Road Closure: Simpson Bay-Airport/Airport-Simpson Bay

There will be no through-traffic from the juncture of Airport Road and Patientia Road to the Princess Juliana International Airport and vice versa.

Wednesday, December 04-Thursday, December 05, 10:00pm to 6:00am

The road will be re-opened at 6:00am on Thursday, December 05 for motorized traffic. Motorized traffic will be able to use part of the round-a-bout.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

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