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Inspection department pleased with wholesaler compliance on Christmas tree imports.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Inspection Department TEZVT - Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) that falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications, which has to ensure that imported Christmas Trees – even though they may appear to be harmless, are free from insects and pests that could harm trees and vegetation on the island, is very pleased with the compliance by wholesalers who imports trees for the holiday season.

The Inspection Department reported on Tuesday that they have had total compliance from the business community along with their response to pre-sale inspection of the containers.

The inspection of containers has been better when compared to previous years. The department thanks the business community for their adherence and looks forward to their continued cooperation.

There are ordinances that regulate the importation of goods, and a permit is required in order to import Christmas Trees.

Wholesalers and retailers for each consignment must provide a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting country showing that the trees have been treated before they leave the exporting country.

To secure the permit, companies are required to submit an application for import along with a copy of the original pro forma invoice. When the trees arrive, the wholesaler/retailer has to notify the Department; and should present the original phytosanitary certificate and proof that the trees were treated with pesticide.

These various aspects have been successfully complied with and the department is very pleased. Prior to 10-10-10 this process was a responsibility of the former Netherlands Antilles Government.

The Inspection Department of TEZVT- Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) office is located in Tamarinde Steeg nr. 16 C, Philipsburg, in the Yellow Building. The office can be reached by calling 542-4509 or 542-4511 for further information.

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