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Successful kick off meeting for the three projects on St. Maarten that are selected for the program “Chances for Caribbean Youngsters” of Funding Agency Cooperating Foundations.

chancesforcaribbeanyoungsterssxmteam05122013PHILIPSBURG:--- To enhance the chances of youngsters between the ages of 12 and 25 the funding agency Cooperating Foundations of the Dutch Caribbean decided to do more than short term funding of youth activities and projects and initiated a special program with the duration of four years. The main objective is to prevent youngsters from dropping out of schools and help those that have dropped out already. The funding agency searched for 20 projects on the six islands of the Dutch Kingdom that would aim to reach this goal, preferably in an innovative way and strengthening existing projects with the same target group.

Seven foundations on St. Maarten were among the 47 foundations that took up this challenge and sent in their project dossiers. After two selection moments, one in July and one in September, three of the St. Maarten project proposals met all criteria and were selected to participate. In total 18 projects were selected: 9 from Curacao, 3 from Aruba, 1 from St. Eustatius, 2 from Bonaire and 3 from St. Maarten. All 18 organizations went to Aruba for a kick off meeting on November the 21st, where they had a chance to explain their projects to King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima, who opened the program officially. The participating projects for St. Maarten are:

"Build your Future" of Kids at Sea Foundation
Kids at sea wants to draw more St. Maarten youngsters into an important business sector of the island: the marine sector. Although St Maarten used to be number 1 in boat building in the region in the old days, nowadays a lot of kids cannot swim and sailing –the most important skill for anyone in the maritime sector- is considered a rich man's hobby. Students of MPC and Sundial, that have been identified to need a boost in motivation, will get intensive sailing lessons and three teams per year will build their own boats. Participation in regatta's and facilitating youngsters to get jobs in the maritime sector are other important features of this plan.

"Students teaching students" of Participant Foundation
Participant Foundation wants to tap into the largest teaching resource at schools that normally is overlooked: the students themselves. The students will form a club in which high performing students will help those that are struggling but are willing to make an effort. They will do this by providing extra tutor classes, repeating the lesson material in their own way. Furthermore students will be trained in counseling fellow students, to help avoiding that small conflicts will end up in suspension or expulsion. Participating schools are Sundial, MPC and St. Maarten Academy. The organization can take pride in having a very driven youth board, consisting of students that participated in Participants' previous initiative of secondary school students teaching pupils of the primary schools.

"St. Maarten Youth Rangers" of Voice of the Youth St. Maarten
Workers in youth care on St. Maarten decided to join forces and initiate new projects for the youngsters in their care. The St. Maarten Youth Rangers is one of their projects; it aims to form a youth VKS group of vulnerable youngsters to regain self esteem, sense of responsibility and purpose in life. The group will meet twice per week and hiking, camping, kayaking, volunteering, and leadership trainings can form part of the program.

The Cooperating Foundations has been established to support social initiatives on the islands of the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. It consists of five Dutch Funding agencies, namely Stichting Kinderpostzegels, Oranje Fonds, Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars, Skanfonds and Fonds Sluyterman van Loo.
On St. Maarten an advisory council meets every three weeks to discuss funding requests that foundations on St Maarten send in. The advisory council would like to congratulate the three selected NGO's and encourage other NGO's with projects for youths, elderly or vulnerable groups in our society to hand in project requests for our regular funding possibilities.

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