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Kooyman's Christmas Shopping Night a Big Success.

kooymanshoppingnight10122013CAY HILL:--- Last Friday Kooyman organized for the first time a special Christmas Shopping Night and welcomed many customers for an evening of Christmas shopping, fun and games for the entire family. The event featured several partners (such as Fun Miles, L'Oreal, Funtopia, Kidsworld among others), who all teamed up with Kooyman to make the shopping night a success, with product giveaways free product trials and raffles and more.
Customers were encouraged to benefit from the special deals available and have fun with the family while doing so. Kids were treated with a special appearance from Sponge Bob Square Pants who brought a smile to their faces as well as a dance performance from Funtopia's dancing statues which was a crowd favorite.
The shoppers participated in a number of raffles as well as Kooyman MegaStore's own version of the popular TV- Game show "Minute to win It", where shoppers were asked to successfully flip 3 keys into glasses within a minute. Shoppers were also invited to play the Guessing Game and to take a Spin on the Fun Miles Fun Wheel for great prizes.
Kooyman was happy to bring some holiday cheer to the many customers in attendance throughout the Shopping Night. And as per the popularity of this event, it's sure that this will be an annual event for Kooyman.
Our special thanks to our partners: L'Oreal, Fun Miles, Indulgence by The Sea, Funtopia, DLG Design & Décor, Kidsworld, Manrique Capriles, Caribbean Liquors and KFC, Pizza Hut. For more information on this special evening and ongoing product promotions visit our website

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