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USGF completes another round of Parliamentary Procedures training.

usgfcompletesparliamentaryprocedurestraining13122013SOUTH REWARD:--- The United Student Government Front (USGF) on Wednesday (December 4, 2013) completed another round of Parliamentary Procedures training with students from several high schools on the island.

The organization presented certificates to a total of 19 students from St. Dominic High, St. Maarten Academy, and St. Maarten Vocational Training School. Thereafter, the participants, as well as the Student Government boards and mentors of the participating schools, closed off the calendar year with a sumptuous dinner. Also in attendance were Sundial's newly-formed student council and mentor.

The venue was St. Dominic High School.

Parliamentary Procedures training is conducted every year to teach high school students how to conduct meetings within their respective student councils.

There were three workshops this year, starting on August 26 at the St. Maarten Academy academic campus. The second workshop was held at St. Maarten Vocational and Training School on October 2.

This year, the workshops were conducted by veteran Toastmaster Sinatra Rouse, who is also the current Area Governor of Area 23 and mentor of the St. Dominic High student council.

According to Rouse, the main aim of the sessions was to equip students with the skills necessary to run their own meetings. They were guided on how to present, move, and vote on motions; and how to prepare agendas for their meetings. The participants also learned parliamentary terminologies to ensure the smooth execution of their conferences.

USGF, which mainly aims at building leadership skills among high school students, will also host an interscholastic board games competition in January 2014. All high schools are encouraged to participate.

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