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Academy Showcases Talent at Christmas Show.

sxmacademychristmasshowtheyorks15122013~ School Board Gives Free Lunch to All ~

CUL DE SAC:--- St. Maarten Academy's academic campus was a hub of Christmas spirit Friday afternoon (December 13, 2013), as students and teachers alike showcased their talent in singing, modeling, dancing and poetry.
The day kicked off with Principal Shareed Hussain announcing that as part of giving back, the school will provide all students with free lunch, which made many students happy. According to first former, Dawud Chapman, "The food was very delicious. They [Interact] also had chocolate cake, vanilla cake, cupcakes, croissants, and cookies." He said many of the students to whom he spoke described the gesture by the school as "doing something to improve the fame and fortune of our school."
Mr. Hussain told the student body that they deserved the treat for working assiduously during Term 1. This year's show was particularly special, since the school's Student Care Department decided to incorporate cultural presentations as part of the Guidance grade for first form students. Students were given the option of participating as a performer or an organizer at any one of the many shows hosted at the school during the course of the academic year.
As such, Masters of Ceremony Alipha Tatem and Philana Thomas, under the guidance of their homeroom teacher, Mr. Olatunde Dalrymple, led a well-organised programme. They were assisted by other first form Stage Managers, Jian Ling Nie and Shadira Jermin. Other first form students worked behind the scenes by assisting the school's Student Government Association with the planning.
Fifth form student, Alin Urighre, kicked off the celebrations with the poem, 'Twas a Night Before Christmas', followed by Ika St. Pierre and Jahvaughny Ayee performing Band Aid's 'Do They Know It's Christmas'. Head of the Expressive Arts Department, Dennis Tjon, too, wowed the audience with a medley of songs done on the piano with St. Dominic High student, Atul Pereppadan.
Tjon was not the only teacher to hit the stage. Two of the school's English teachers, Sharon Layne and Doreen Edwards, accompanied by Social Studies teacher Anansa Payne, harmonized beautifully with the reggae version of 'Santa Claus (do you ever come to the ghetto?)'.
More talent emerged with the York cousins, Cherrianne Dangleben-York, Jabari York, and Edwin Derweer, on the steel pan. The versatile Snatra Bauld did not disappoint with her soulful rendition of 'Oh Holy Night', and her mimed dance to 'Bleed for Love'.
Over the years, St. Maarten Academy has been known for having very talented students, and according to Vice Principal Tallulah Baly-Vanterpool, Friday's programme allowed for the opportunity to groom new talent. This was underscored with an original rap, 'Christmas', by first former, Serge Huggins, whose personality shone through as he led the student body through the chorus.
Potential was also recognized in the singing group, Santa Babies, which included Ryana Anthony, Emyka Pinthiere, Chadalina Edwards and Kishanna Hodge, performing their name-sake song. Other performances included 'Mistletoe' by Daynyeal Trim, Jamella Williams, Philana Thomas, Shanika Blagrove, and Sandira Anglin; 'Silent Night' by Jasmin Leblanc; 'This Christmas' done by Anisha Durand, and a medley by Supral Jadz (Jacinth Hunkins, Denise Andrew, Ashana Bontiff, and Suze Cobyte).
As was expected, upcoming soprano, Vincia Nelson blew the audience away with her rendition of 'All I want for Christmas is You'. One student commented that "her voice was that of an angel."
Dawud Chapman, too, stepped up to the plate with a Christmas poem; while Esther Dede and Naomi Warsop, performed individual dances to 'Jesus, Born on This Day' and 'Set it on Fire', respectively. But the two modeling segments with clothing sponsored by clothing store, House of Seduction, rocked the house with exquisite fashion. The groups – one comprising of first formers (Eight Days of Christmas) and the second, of upper school students (Santa's Helpers) – got standing ovation.
The Christmas show was the last production of the outgoing student council and its president Learie Hall.

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