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Rotary St. Martin Sunrise and Businesses Provide Christmas Tree and other items to Hope Outreach Children’s Home.

rotarysxmsunriseprovidechristmastreetohopeoutreachchildrenshome19122013ST. PETERS:--- The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise along with the Sundial Interactors held a Christmas caroling and Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the Hope Outreach Children's Home in St. Peters on Saturday, December 14, 2013.
Members of Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise visited the Hope Outreach Children's Home in St. Peters and saw the need to assist; the business community was called upon whereby items were donated by UTS and Cake House.
In showing their appreciation, the children showcased their talents in singing and playing musical instruments, they were all filled with love and appreciation. The Sundial Interactors assisted the children with the decoration and lighting of the Christmas tree.
Rotary Sunrise would like to thank UTS and Cake House for their donation towards the children of the home.
If you are interested in donating gifts to the children of the Hope Outreach foster home, you can contact Rotary Sunrise; we meet at Air Lekkerbek Restaurant every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast.
For more information on Rotary Sunrise, please visit us at or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you can also visit our Facebook page: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise and Tweet us: @RotarySunSXM

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